Theman's Posts

Profiles in plagiarism… first Biden then Harvard Harvard president charged with plagiarism Illegal immigrant murdered Texas High School Cheerleader Russian disinformation with Hunter Biden’s laptop The Woman In Me I read in a recent interview that Clint Eastwood was surprised that If Germany did not invade Russia in WW2 Were the other two super states as backward as Oceania in the book and film? Winston was weak at the end in room 101 (Critical Spoilers) Top Ten Films(No Spoilers please) “Cathy, get off the phone.” I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news but Hottest woman ever Can some tell me what’s going on? What Matt Perry said in his memoir about his drug use Trump will be remembered for doing I read this book and I am eager to find who This would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic Great movie. Although I kinda wish it included a preview of Super Mario 3. Speaking as a former High School Track and Cross Country Runner (Spoiler threat level low)