Filmtenk2's Replies

I hope D’Souza’s & Salem Media get sued into bankruptcy. Those are 3 known swing states. My evolving list of swing states: MI, AZ, GA, WI, NV, PA, OH Any ones that should be added or removed? Biden is notorious for ending a press conference where he did well then taking 1 last question and sinking the entire thing. That shows he's capable of learning to me which is a good trait for anyone. Thank you. Where are you going to hit first? I heard she started doing jiu-jitsu and has become close friends with her instructor. Some people would rather be wrong on their terms than right on yours. Not my words originally but I never forgot them. Infidelity is not illegal. The crime was falsifying business records. If Bill Clinton did the same and the statute of limitations allow, charge him too. This isn't about our guy vs your guy. We want everyone held accountable, Biden, W , Obama, Trump doesn't matter. No one is above the law. Give him toilet paper to wipe his ass face. A biopic without balls. Why even bother? Maybe Access Hollywood October surprise beat this to the punch. Or a dozen other scandals. Oh I misread your comment. I don't believe they've lost 500k that seems way too high. Maybe if that was counting all casualties (dead & wounded). I think it's closer to 50-100k dead. Idk if that includes mercs or not. I've read reports that Russia can't afford to keep fighting this war past 2026. That's why Putin switched up leadership hiring that economist recently. Putin can't seem to take Ukraine even after 6 months of delayed congressional aid. This was a state trial, Biden had no control. I haven't looked into this yet but if true it's not surprising. But why didn't this come up in '16? Russia's death toll in Ukraine is well over what they lost fighting for 10 yrs in Afghanistan. Where'd you hear this Russian official numbers? I grew up in a house with some hunting guns and have been to a range a few times. I know very basic stuff like always assume the gun is loaded & check. If I see someone else checking to see if a gun is loaded before handing it to me, I should check it myself anyway. I think that puts me ahead of Alec Baldwin at least. Never point it at someone unless you intend to shoot. Keep it pointed at the ground. Never shoot into the sky randomly. Squeeze don't pull. I was an Eagle Scout, does that help my case? I listened to it (never heard of this person or program before). Alito's wife sounds like a mean drunk. Maybe she's just a mean sober. Yeah I think Alito & Thomas should recuse. I heard apparently it was easier for Roberts to reign everyone in when RBG was there bc things were balanced. Alito & Thomas have since pressed their advantage & ideology. I think he's gone through at least 2 expensive divorces. Lol Great Balls of Fire! I liked your "back doing cocaine" comment. Not sure I believe it, would have to hear from Quaid himself. He appeared in a John Oliver segment a few years ago which is a staunchly progressive show. If true, maybe he's trying to promote his new biopic about Reagan? I think the weaponization of the justice system argument is a convenient excuse to ignore serious crimes (the ones that have not gone to trial yet).