Filmtenk2's Replies

At 10:20 it explains the charges. Hunter's gun trial began today. What has Joe Biden done to earn the cuffs? My sarcasm didn't transfer well. It doesn't say you can take a kidney from one person and give it to another. That's some godless Frankenstein shit! God intended that kidney for one person only and transferring it is blasphemous. I guess it depends on when your kids discover porn. Good luck preventing that in today's world. What practice? There's not enough context to know the intent behind what was shown. Do you have the lesson plan? For all we know it was a 10 second clip acknowledging Pride month and then they moved onto other business. The kids got rowdy (as we all did back then) & tried to derail the program because school is boring and it was a fun thing to do. I was a freshman when a sophomore student wrapped his car around a tree driving drunk. I barely knew the kid but did I use going to his funeral as an excuse to get out of class? Of course I did. I'm sure many ppl objected to Black History Month when it become a thing at first but then it was no big deal. This clip is no big deal. Nothing special. Also the kids don't set the curriculum. Their job is to sit down, shut up & learn something then discuss what they learned. You must not be around many school age children if you think this is some new & provocative thing. That's a good point. I'd prefer Eggers do an original story like everything he's done so far. It reminds me of Peter Jackson doing King Kong, kind of a vanity project. Who knows if it will succeed but if anyone can pull it off it's Eggers. What's the last enjoyable horror & SF films you've seen? Are you familiar with Robbert Eggers? The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman? He's got his Nosferatu film coming later this year and I can't wait for that. Because they're not doing the "sexual degeneracy" stuff in public. You don't have to fully accept it, just don't be an asshole to Timmy's moms. Maybe keep an eye out on Timmy in case the other kids start making fun of him for having 2 moms. My brother in law's sister is married to a woman and they have 2 young boys. Their lives will probably be harder at times because of this. I find one of the kids to be pretty damn annoying, he might have some behavioral problems. I only see them a couple times a year but whenever I do I never want to make things harder for them by being mean or unaccepting. They'll face plenty of that in the outside world. As far as the rainbow pride month baseball diamond thing my guess is it's an ad for the parents. Maybe it's a rich town and this is virtue signaling to get parents to feel good about signing up with a tolerant organization and pay their fees which I hear can be a lot. I don't know what was being discussed in the vid. Need more context. But I will say that these kids will be looking to join the workforce in a few years where they will encounter LGBT coworkers and possibly bosses. You want them to go in unprepared? What if they miss job opportunities because they were raised to be uncomfortable around gay people? If you get an offer to intern under Tim Cook are you going to pass up that golden opportunity/resume builder bc of prejudice? Legal Eagle published this explainer today, hope it helps: Legal Eagle published this explainer today: I found it helpful, hope it helps you make sense of it. There are more & more same sex couples with kids. Some of those kids want to play Little League Baseball. It might provide peace of mind for the parents to know the organization is accepting of their child & his/her family. Say you were a coach responsible for a bunch of kids playing baseball. Most the time little Timmy gets dropped off for practice by his mom. On a weekend game day you notice little Timmy's mom is in the stands sitting close to another woman who you find out is his other mom. What are you going to do say "Hey Timmy I like you son but I can't abide faggots. You'll have to go..." If they canned it and instead did a film taking place post Fury Road I'd be much more interested. Definitely not my first go-to of the Herzog/Kinski collaborations. If you weren't aware there is a dvd collection which consist of these 6 films: -Aguirre, The Wrath of God -Woyzeck -Cobra Verde -Nosferatu -Fitzcarraldo -My Best Fiend In my opinion 'Cobra Verde' is the best of the bunch followed by 'Fitzcarraldo.' Everyone should see "Aguirre, The Wrath of God' at least once but it's pretty low budget. Neither. Just a bunch of upset ppl endlessly bitching. What do you gain from posting this Rori? Just trying to stir some shit? Trying to get the MC anti-LGBT crowd to like you? You need their validation? Currently the risk to the general public is very low so hopefully it won't be needed. If you work in agriculture you might be more at risk. Given what happened in the last pandemic the government is taking a proactive approach here which makes sense. We'll probably never need it but in the off chance it turns into an epidemic or pandemic it's good to have mitigating factors in place. Don't underestimate how cheap a billionaire can be. It doesn't make sense to us bc why not use your own money and avoid the problem altogether? Trump's standard operating procedure was to get one over on everyone as much as possible. "Penny wise, pound foolish" comes to mind. When they say this election year is going to be crazy this seems like an example. Wish their was a way we could all stop collectively feeding the trolls.