AlyCatPartDeux's Replies

I can’t see Jared in this. Bless Chuck Norris but Walker Texas Ranger was typical for its time. Cheesy. Predictable. It’s almost painful to watch those old reruns. Lord television was bad back then. (With some exceptions). Can they put a more modern spin on this? Who knows. I’m not sure if it’s that I can’t picture Jared or that I can’t picture a successful reboot of it. Gotta admitI was a little bit sad that Jared got the “Western” over Jensen considering how Jensen has mentioned how much he’d like to be in one. So what has Singer written for Supernatural? I believe he means dead. For real, for real. No taksies backsies. No soul selling. No BitCoin exchanges. No potions. No spells. No Book of the Slightly Less Fortunate. No Orange is the New Black Grimoire. No time controlled triggers “In the Event of My Death” activations. No, “That wasn’t me, that was my long, lost cousin!” No round ticket to the Empty. No Deus Ex machina. What if in order to save the world, nay, the Universe from Chucks wrath, the Winchesters have to agree for time to be reversed back to Stull and Sammy’s swan song. That sticks. Bye bye Luigi. Cas heals Dean and after that it deviates from the canon where he goes to Lisa and instead picks up with Jensen’s dream of trading Baby for a motorcycle and riding off. No one knows for certain what ever happens to him. There are stories and urban legends but that’s it. Oh. I just thoroughly depressed myself. ;( Looks as if Michael got it right when he was possessing Dean. God, Chuck. Doesn’t care. Creates one world, moves on to the next. I love how Jensen played that scene. You could really feel the hurt, disappointment, anger in Michael. As the viewer, part of me was thinking, “No. That can’t be right. God would never. Michaels crazy. Insane.” But then remember Castiels response? Even he doubted for a moment. Looking at this in hindsight after seeing the season finale makes you view it in an entirely different manner and it makes more sense after Chucks reveal. You have to wonder - if after figuring things out, AU Michael took the news as badly as he did... how is Sam and Deans Michael from Da Cage going to feel about it? I don’t think Bob Singer co writes with Dabb. I also don’t think she means Eric is back. Let’s face it, he’s a busy dude. Jensen called him to bounce the way the show was ending off him as it wasn’t setting well. The fact that Jensen had to be convinced (for want of a better word) is a little unsettling. Kripke just gave his two cents. Another fresh set of eyes. I seem to remember reading somewhere that someone asked Kripke in an interview (?) if he was going to have any input or influence in the final season and he said no. Or maybe I imagined it. Or I was possessed. ;) Agree with your last paragraph. The Mirror business scenes didn’t feel as if they belonged. And poorly written. I sometimes get the feeling that When Dabb comes up with an idea he likes that he will include it come Hell or highwater regardless of how others may view it. I still think the idea of Chuck pitching a tantrum and having controlled so much of the Winchesters world to be lame. I hope there’s more to it than that. I’m curious as to how Amara is going to fit into it as well. As I said, I anticipate being one of the %er’s that will not be happy with the end. Supernatural deserved so much better than Dabb for a final Showrunner. Don’t you remember during hiatus when the promos started proclaiming it the “Year of the Deamon” or something like that? I guess the Three Episodes of the Deanmon just didn’t have quite the ring to it. Why they couldn’t have had just a few more episodes with the cat and mouse chase between Sam and Demon Dean is beyond me. Oh yeah. I remember why now. Because it was just starting to get interesting and suspenseful. Can’t have that during Dabbs reign (Example: Cain). Mark of Cain (heh) my words - Dabb will do EXACTLY the same thing this year. Please Chuck, no cheesy ending. No everybody is reunited and in Heaven. No Sam and Dean grow old secluded in a cabin having given up hunting. No wife and rugrats. Technically it is Sams story so logically if he is the last one standing with Dean making the ultimate sacrifice (again) - that would make the most sense. If they both die that would make the second most sense. In either case they could be brought back for a movie. If they just go away and no one knows what happened to them then they could bring themselves out of retirement should the need (Apocalypse #256) arise. Perhaps there will be a deal between Heaven and Hell that as long as the Winchesters stand down then there will be peace for all. Who knows. After the crap show that Dabb and Co. made of the Michael/Dean storyline I refuse to get enthusiastic over the final season. Pavlov’s conditioning baby. Experience has shown that once a storyline gets truly interesting and compelling, Dabb will pull the rug out from under us and give us a predictable, uninspired one instead. Fool me once and all that. I think Dabb was basically saying that the ones we lose this season are going to be gone for good. No take-backsies. No resurrections. No special spells or deals. Basically killing off characters. Eh, doesn’t surprise me seeing as he has done him damndest to kill the show anyway. I so do not like Mr. “Never Met A Storyline I Didn’t Steal-uh, Repurpose” Dabb. It had something to do with the homeowners in that lake area not having to pay taxes which has been longstanding for many years. It’s nothing against those homeowners, they weren’t doing anything wrong. You know government - there was money to be had and so they adjusted accordingly. The other thing about taxes is they seldom decrease, so big hit now, and a likely even bigger hit in future. From what I’ve read and the bits that Jensen has spilled over the years - he’s always indicated that his dad fully supported him and I believe financed the apartment? for the initial time period. It was Jensen who put up the time frame. He figured he’d give it his shot and if nothing came of it within 6 months(?) he would return home. I think his best friend followed him out there shortly thereafter. Senior Ackles knows the score, he has been involved the the business long enough. He was the one who told Jensen not to hang on waiting for call backs after auditions. Just go in, do your best and walk. Jensen said there was one time where he did not heed his dads advice after auditioning for a part he wanted badly. He hung by the phone, worried and let it get to him. He didn’t get the part. So it was all that worry for nothing. So he learned to do as his dad suggested. Jensen said his dad also gave him his guitar. So yeah. Supportive all the way. There was no having to prove that his father was wrong. I know the guys work hard and are dedicated and love the show and their fans but let’s face it, they get paid well for it too. It’s their job and they are damn lucky to have it. I feel sorry for the crew who experience the same long hours, bad weather...for much, much less pay, perks and attention. If he moved as it seems to appear he has, then no, he doesn’t. Saw a poster on a website who claimed they had sussed out the location of the new digs but wouldn’t reveal basically saying that others could figure it out on their own. And yes, it’s still in Austin. There was some info regarding taxes being assessed in the lake area where he lived. Seems the homeowners who lived there for whatever reason all this time did not have to pay. I’m not sure what kind of tax it involved but with the new enactment it apparently meant quite a lot of money for all the property owners involved. Substantial money. And as you know, taxes seldom decrease. I don’t know if that may have partially influenced the sale or not. Then there was another site which showed that the property sold at a substantial loss. A lot of speculation. Who knows what’s real. I have a hard time believing that that home with all the upgrades in such a desirable area would sell for less. Jensen lives an interesting life, that’s for sure. Nothing definite on the possible publishing front. Danneels been teasing somethings in the works. Whether it’s just something she’s involved in or both, who knows. She did that jewelry line for charity so maybe she’s expanding into her own line of clothing/accessories/jewelry? Who knows. They certainly don’t let grass grow under their feet. FBBC. Family Business Beer Company. Their brewery. There’s a home on the property I read somewhere they were thinking of making a restaurant or something. I’m not sure they intended to renovate and flip their last home. It seemed like they put soooo much of themselves into it. You’ve seen the video that Architectural Digest did on their place, right? Again, who knows. I doubt that anyone really knows how much time Danneel or Jensen actually spend at the brewery unless someone who works there confirmed it. I never knew or heard anything regarding Jensen owning shares in the local golf course. It wouldn’t surprise me. It appears as if both Jared and Jensen are well diversified. Jensen recently purchased that Bed and Breakfast. Rental property (both J’s). Plus it seems as if the Ackles have moved out of the Austin lake house to a new location. No definitive info on that yet. Sad and I will miss it but I think they both knew it was time. Their lives and interests are pulling them in so many different directions, something had to give. Jensen especially seems to have many irons in different fires. The Brewery, the music collaboration with Steve (whatever that is), future acting gigs, the possible publishing? business... wasn’t there talk of turning the home on the FBBC into a restaurant? And who knows what other investments. With Jared it’s mostly talk of being with family. Let’s face it, how could you ever really be ready for something as special and life altering to end. It’s nice that they get to decide rather than have it canceled out from under them. To go out on that high note Jensen talks about. Watch they will make Amara God Once all is said and done. Because of the current atmosphere of women power... politically correct. I would be highly disappointed if they did. I am having such a hard time generating enthusiasm for this final season. Pavlov’s conditioning. Dabb has screwed us over so many times I just don’t trust him anymore. He sucks and I believe he will continue to do so. Sheppard's beef was supposedly with TPTB, not the crew. I doubt he will return. Like ever. Eileen the deaf hunter. If she returns I’m hoping it’s as one of the ghosts/zombies or whatever. One and done. Not as a love interest for Sam. There was an attraction there but I never bought that Sam was in love with her as others seem to think. Enough with bringing back past characters from the dead. She was killed by Hellhounds. I suppose they could have drug her soul into the pit and now that Hell is opened she’s one of those that got out? Ketch I want to see. They kind of left him hanging after the mailing fiasco. I like his relationship with Dean. Adam? Yes. But as a bad guy. Evil, not good. With revenge on his mind for being left in Hell. Do you think he witnessed Cas rescuing Sam from the cage (when he Oops, left Sammy’s soul behind)? Man Id be pissed. Adams been in Hell now way longer than Dean, Sam and John combined. So yeah. Big time payback. Amara returning doesn’t surprise me what with that odd comment Chuck made last episode when asked where she was. He kinda waved it off but was squirrelly about it. As to my feelings on it? Bleh. Been there, done that. I guess it will be okay as long as she doesn’t do another resurrection as another gift. I am so not feeling this season based on interviews I’ve seen/read. Hate to see us shed writers like Yockey. And did I read Sigriccias gone too? Moved on to another show? Such a master. Really hate to lose him. Honestly, sadly, I don’t think there will ever be a Supernatural movie. Or a spin-off. Not that anyone is lying about wanting it (movie, not spin-off) I just think once people move on it just isn’t going to happen. Call it a hunch. If I’m wrong you will get to be the first ones to say so but I don’t think I am. I think Supernatural will go down in film history for its unique, incredible 15 seasons success and that will be it. Exactly. It almost seems as if there have been more resurrected characters than actual characters these past few years. And that’s not including Dean and Sam. It’s stale. Been there, done that, have a walking closet full of t-shirts. If they bring anyone back I pray they are selective. Characters that haven’t been resurrected already. CageMichael and - breaking my own parameters-he can still bring back Michael/Dean because that story was cut so short and ripped away from Jensen that Dabb owes us. Cain. Adam. No more doornails. Minimal with the ones still around. Such as Jody and Donna. Some loop holes and hanging storylines sadly will remain such as they won’t have time for everything. I wonder if they will destroy the bunker tho. I can’t help but think it’s going to end up being more of a “previouslies”. As in So and so who previously appeared on Supernatural. Dabb sucks. I can’t see him doing a 180 on his suckitude just because it’s the final year. Even with the J’s input. What is the likelihood that Dabb will bring back a Cain or Adam or Azazel. (Tho when it comes to Yellow Eyes I’d really rather they leave that storyline alone where it is - I know people want Sam to have his powers back but please, no. Where could they logically take that? And it would create another situation where they would have to power and depower and repower him when the story called for it like they do Cas. Is Cas or isn’t he? Can Cas or can’t he? Who cares. It’s gotten predictable, convenient and boring. Bleh). No, he would go for Claire or Kia or Jody and Donna filling in more backstory to a character that I only marginally care about compared to the Winchesters. Every angel they have brought back AU or otherwise they have ruined. Remember AUCas? Yeah. Point made. The only AU I cared about was Michael BECAUSE of the connection to Dean (and Sam). Until he became an issue for Dean I could have taken or left him. Early on in the series Kripke and Company were really good at having the secondary characters revolve around the Winchesters. They were tied to or affected them one way or another. I cared because they were directly in the Winchester orbit. Nowadays that isn’t always the case. And when that happens it’s just not as interesting. Nothing against those actors but Supernatural is Sam and Dean. I’m rambling, I’m tired - long day. Suffice it to say that air time dedicated to, for example, Claire and her gay love story with Kia is all that more less time we get to see Jensen and Jared grace our screens. 20 episodes is going to go fast. I know they can’t work Jensen and Jared to death so I’d like to see them be more judicious, wiser with the time they do have. I just don’t think Dabb has it in him. Honestly? Very few. Wisely selected. Not any of this fan favorite crap - writing them back so that we could see them once more. Who amongst us believes that Dabb wouldn’t over do it? Please no. For every person/character that returns that is all that much less time we will see Sam and Dean in our final year of having the pleasure to do so. So no. What’s dead should pretty much stay that way. Characters who’s storylines have pretty much been wrapped up (some looser than others) - leave sleeping dogs alone. No Ben, no Lisa. No Jo and Ellen. No Gabriel. They already brought him back and did his story no favors... No Bobby. I have Beaver fatigue. He’s come back more often than I think I ever saw him on screen in Supernatural. No Waywards. If we see Donna and Jody limit it. Claire and Company can stay as screen mentions. Adam. Yes. Cain. Yes. Ketch. Yes. Their story could still be expanded. Meg, Benny, Gordon Walker, Death... all those that went out in a blaze of glory or as a willing sacrificial lamb. Even dare I say, Crowley. Leave it. Their deaths or sacrifices shaped what Supernatural is today. Bringing them back amid ticker tape and fanfare as in Kurt Fullers Zachariah only to ruin them? A waste. So no. Few and far in between. No line up of former stars. Just, no. How many did he write with Loflin. I think at least in the past he was a decent writer - he’s just a crappy Showrunner.