God/Chuck Theory

I watched a theory yesterday about Chuck not being the real God at all, not even back in Season 5, or 11. But that Chuck is the third sibling of God & Amara. Chuck "banished" or managed to imprison God for all of these years. He continued with the possibility that the Empty or Shadow could be/or contain the real God.

Now, I will get behind any theory that explains Chuck's behavior, but I wouldn't put it passed the writers to cook something up like this.

Curious what everyone else thinks about this theory? And/or if you think this Chuck is the real God, or if he's an imposter, or affected with something?


TBH I've been wondering if this theory might be true. I'm leaning towards it.


I am really enjoying this story arc this season and reddit have gone to town on this, with all sorts of scenarios and all very different. I love how many think he is an imposter, and wonder if Gabe has something to do with all this as its right up his street. We know how dark his stunts can get, and how manipulative he can be to trick people. I can see the writers doing this, and with Amara coming back I can see the writers going there. I still think its God the real one, and Jack will team up with Billie and end god, as Death said he would reap the big man one day. God is playing up and I wonder if Amara will lock God up in the empty like he did with her for years. Its pay back. He's doing too much damage and it will be interesting to see how this plot pans out.


Hm, I don't know about Gabriel. I wouldn't like them to bring him back (again) to be playing "God" - Sounds more like Metatron.

With all this "killing God" honestly, sounds ..kind of messed up to me. It's strange because I'm not a Christian, God/Faith person. I would just hope that God, wouldn't manipulate things or basically be a dick....but if that's what Supernatural wants to do..


It just fun reading what others are thinking, but with so many ideas being banded about its hard what to think might go down. So many possibilities, and endless potential to create something amazing with God at the helm and being the big bad and Jensen saying that we go in big, you start to wonder all sorts of crazy stories. I did read the actor who played Metatron is busy on another project, so doubt he'll be back :(

I still wonder what Amara's part in all this will be in the end. She is just as powerful as Jack and God, and again will be interesting to see where they take her character.

We still have another six/seven weeks to go before the shows back. I hate this waiting game.


Watch they will make Amara God Once all is said and done. Because of the current atmosphere of women power... politically correct. I would be highly disappointed if they did. I am having such a hard time generating enthusiasm for this final season. Pavlov’s conditioning. Dabb has screwed us over so many times I just don’t trust him anymore. He sucks and I believe he will continue to do so.


I'd actually prefer if that was true. Chuck ending up being God, just seemed like fan pandering
