Roguemail's Replies

It was never going to. Live concert movies have notoriously and traditionally never been big box office. People naively assume that the more popular the artist, the bigger the box office. It's rubbish. It could be the biggest artist on the planet, still it won't bring in the crowds. Even before streaming, Sky, Netflix etc this was true. And even more true now when people will wait to download it, and watch it at home on a 60 plus inch 4K TV. Nope. I'l Dulce Jubilo was a big hit. And Moonlight Shadow, though that was more of a collaboration with his sister Sally. Besides, he was more of an albums person than a single maker. My only contention is that he continued to milk Tubular Bells too much, making sequels, remixes and variations of it. Ommadawn remains my fave. What a pile of nonsense. Can't believe they are still peddling this creepy clown stuff, it's been going on for years. And technically I can't see what he is doing wrong. It's not illegal to wear a Clown costume in public. He does not appear to be approaching anyone. And the whole 'daring police to catch him' thing is dubious, its not mentioned in the story, only that the police have issued a statement saying they have recieved no reports about it. That tells you all you need to know. Stuff like this us just sensationalist fodder for the media, and most people are aware of the character of Pennywise from the It movies. Makes me wonder if there is a sequel in the works and this is just advance publicity... I remember many critics at the time did that stupid " this movie cannot decide if it wants to be comedy, horror, fantasy, martial arts " etc. So apparently a movie can only be one genre. Absolutely no reason why movies cannot and should not mix genres. I think that's part of the fun and charm of this movie. My fave gag often goes unnoticed by many. It's when Nielsen is comforting the stewardess when she says she had never been so scared. She thinks everyone is going to die, and says "And besides, I'm 26 and I'm not married". Then the other female passenger pops her head in to thr cabin, and Nielsen asks how she's holding up, and she says "Not too good...but at least I have a husband" It may not be outright hilarious, and is probably one of the more subtle gags in such a movie, but I just love the sheer cruelty of it. I like the fact that though McCallum is primarily identified with The Man From Uncle (to some generations anyway), he did have other success after the show ended. Lots of TV and plenty of movies, Sapphire and Steel for one. A bizarre British mystery/fantasy series...The Invisible Man...The Great Escape. But in his autumn years he became famous for the NCIS series, which was nice for him. Don't believe I have ever seen it. Not a big horror fan. Which one...the Angelina Jolie one or the horror one from the 80s? Have to agree with the negative comments. I saw it for the first time in the 80s, and the notion of using a violent game to satiate the blood lust of the masses probably seemed edgy in the 70s, but not in the 80s. And the stuff around the games, the political maneuvering, the romantic interludes etc were a total bore. Rosemary's Baby was another celebrated movie I was completely unmoved by. It probably did not help that I saw The Exorcist first. Hard to top that. And Clockwork Orange. I saw it when I was young and it did shock me. In later years I find its lost a lot of its shock value but I still think its a technically superb piece of filmmaking. Well I don't agree that Townsend fits the profile. And you have gone for very obvious, well known paedophiles in the public eye...the sort of ones where everyone says after the fact 'I knew there was something about them' etc...but yet never say anything before it becomes known. Regarding Saville, to the public he was simply seen as an eccentric, an oddball. And again, after the truth came out suddenly millions of people say they always knew (not talking about the people that were close to him and actually knew and kept quiet). But my point is I have come across many people who claim they can tell a paedophile by looking at them.. and its rubbish. I have known people harassed, beaten up and even killed because of narrow minded people who think along those lines...they fit the profile etc. Anyone who could identify a paedophile on sight would have to be a millionaire, because that's a hell of a gift they have. Look at him? Are you saying you can tell if someone is a paedophile by just looking at them? Why do some people assume that the name of the character of Snow White refers to her skin colour? It's her name. Nothing more. The biggest flaw in the 'gangs taking over and running the city' is that there is not a finite amount of cops. If the gangs tried to take hold, more cops would be drafted in from all over. And it's a certainty that the army would be brought in. The city would probably be locked down, martial law, curfew etc. Great premise for a movie, but it was never going to work. I find this trend for some people to assume they are somehow in the minority for not liking popular movies bizarre. Why does it matter that you feel somehow inferior because you disagree with popular opinion? Your opinion is literally that...your opinion. Its as valid as anyone else's. The numbers mean nothing. If millions like it and you don't, that means nothing. Your opinion is still valid. It's your own. There is nothing wrong with you because you don't like a movie millions like. I also see some people who think they are being 'brave' by going against popular opinion, the 'am I the only one?' syndrome. Utter rubbish. It's a clear sign of insecurity, people who just don't have the balls to say they didn't like something other people did, or vice versa. Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory. You strike me as one of those people who are just pissed off at someone who has more money than you, and finds any excuse they can to hate on them. I never understand why people assume directors that may be known for certain types of genre movies will adhere to a particular directing style. Craven is known for primarily horror movies, sure. But why do some assume he would bring horror movie tropes to a Superman movie? Same think happened when Tarantinos name was attached to a possible adaptation of Star Trek. Many assumed he would bring violence, blood and gore. Silly. Impossible. I don't work for the police. I neither support or condemn the police. I believe there are good and bad in their ranks. I have seen them behave appalingly, and have also seen them do good things. When it comes to protests like this I think they are in a difficult position. They have to respect the rights of the protestors, but ultimately need to make a decision as to when they think enough is enough. I also understand tempers fraying from the people who are being inconvenienced, many of whom are taking matters into their own hands and challenging the protestors. And from what I have seen police are taking a softly softly approach to this and standing back, as long as no serious assaults are taking place. Yep...within reason such protests are allowed. Its up to police to decide when it goes too far etc. Actually, the protestors are more in danger of being beaten up by motorists than anything else, which seems to happen frequently. It's clearly not a remake so they have not made it before. It's a new movie based on the same historical events. Many movies have been made about the same historical event, so why is this even an issue? I always wondered if there was a deleted scene, the part where Deckard is in the club at the bar talking to Taffy Lewis, then you hear an announcement that Zhora is about to perform...but we never see the performance. Seems odd that they went to such lengths to create a unique look and costume for her, give her a real snake yet not show her performance.