Mcboogerballs's Replies

It better be He knows what everyone hated about Whedon's patched version. Snyder got enough budget to fix atleast few of those flaws and improve the visuals. Th LEAST he can do is ensure it is better than the original movie. Whoa - looks awesome Which video game is this? <blockquote>Shes just going to be "worthy" of holding his hammer</blockquote> <b>Ohhhh yeaaaa</b> I really do not see what purpose the Crown serves to the UK even with Brexit PS: I am neither American nor Brit Re-read your response But just to help you out with your own answer - you said they are important because they are an institution that has lasted centuries like the Church. The Church is responsible for upholding Christianity and its beliefs - they have a purpose What is the purpose of the Crown ? Especially in a democratic setup as the UK So they are important because they EXIST. Hokay Forget America. Are they really of any importance to the UK except for carrying on a tradition of imperialism which is the root cause of half the problems in the world What exactly is the importance of the crown ? Gal Gadot is a very poor actor and that tanked the movie really. One movie can be run on charm and personality and that worked in WW1 as the 'freshness' factor. Second movie needed something special to counter the freshness going stale and to elevate it to the next level and a much stronger performance from the lead, but she is such a bad actor that she brought down an average movie to below average levels. Plus the direction was very stale as well - the charm of a woman director directing a major superhero cant carry more than one movie. Nothing wrong in following a template/formula, if the execution is fresh and different. But this was just more of the same with an 80's setup and that setup was of no significance either Looks better than the original maybe but thats not saying much Looks about as generic as possible and the classic Teal-Orange filter being used throughout. Not really sure what everyone is going gaga over on SM - maybe I am missing something [It's just indicative of how moronic or completely bought by studios critics are when she was praised for this role.] It does bring up this doubt. Praising the movie for being campy and fun I can understand - it can be subjective and differ based on taste. But poor acting is just poor acting. I don't think this role needed an actor who looks good but cant act, so calling her perfect for the role is definitely a big stretch I meant the same thing Based on this fact, you can call the movie an average affair. Neither too good nor too bad. Liked by half and disliked by the others Awful actress - one of the main reasons why WW84 was such a mediocre affair Never read the book or watched any of the other shows, so maybe thats why I really loved it (and so did all of my family and whoever else it was recommended to) Basically, in a plethora of really complicated sci-fi/crime dramas and thrillers, this show was a complete change of pace with excellent performances and a sweet story - something the whole family could watch together Very disappointed to see it get cancelled 60% seems fairly accurate for this movie - strictly average. Neither too good nor too bad. A one-time forgettable watch Its a 6/10 at best Its so high only because the lead actor passed away under unfortunate and supposedly fishy circumstances before the release of the movie Besides the fact that they arent exactly professional con-artists, I think they were quite drunk in this scene as well. Possible cause for such a massive slip up I think the law of averages finally caught up with you After an endless stream of absolutely incorrect predictions, you were bound to get one right yikes ... someone got triggered big time The other morally good person in the movie was white though. Harlan Thrombey, and he was a very significant character. Oh fk, Name calling... that put me in my place