abigolcwock's Replies

I will never understand how these nutters love the constitution (for good reason), but then like the policies of china, russia, and middle eastern countries So what? That's such a strange reason to be against it lol, and I thought you'd like that they weren't passing on their gay genes. There are also bi people that have kids, gay people that have had sex with the opposite gender, lesbian couples can get a sperm donor, and surrogates for male couples. At the end of the day though, it's just something people do for happiness, and not everyone needs to have kids. I see you edited your comment with the country bit, and I don't even know what to say lol. If those fucked up places are something you look up to for their policies, then you have greater issues than being religious. My guy, why does not using something in its natural way for pleasure matter to you in the first place? You being on this website on a computer instead of living like a caveman is going against your evolution, yet you do it because you like it. The lead singer of this band died young, not even reaching the 27 club It took me 2 seconds to find it on Google using your description despite never seeing it. I'm sure you can do the same. It's named after a famous band Yeah, I check here every now and then I guess just out of habit, and it's sad how it's just a cesspool of right wing nutters that have been driven off of every other site. I have almost everyone who ever posted on the Trump and politics boards blocked and like 60% of the latest feed is missing as a result. On a freaking movie discussion forum. I like how there is no moderation, but at this point I see why it's necessary as these people will simply flock to any site that lacks it. This is so wrong. It wasn't a DUI, it was foggy as hell. Although I've read that he has been quite dismissive of the family and doesn't seem to feel remorseful so I don't care for him. You're 4 decades late with this "joke". This movie has a big cult following today Ana De Armas, Sydney Sweeney, and Alexandra Daddario are all way more popular because of their nude scenes. Margot Robbie also kickstarted her career with that scene in Wolf of Wall Street. it would've been a great what-if show instead of whatever the hell we got. Even today, season 1 is highly respected despite the show's reputation Polanski. Chinatown, The Pianist, and Rosemary's Baby. Rob Reiner and Haneke are my most consistent directors though. But When Harry Met Sally and Amour are their only 10s imo It was in the ocean. Most wreckages are never found because the ocean is absolutely unfathomably massive Isnt pg-13 = anyone under 13 with parents? I think this movie will do great. I'll go with my friends or alone. Dude's the poster child I agree, although I don't remember much of anything about the previous two seasons so I'm wondering if I'd still enjoy those if I watched them now, because season 3 is just insufferable. I don't get why he wouldn't be a good Han Solo? He'd be different, but he's very good at playing a cocky asshole that's way in over his head. Serpico just straight up looks like a OT character as well. Interesting, now that you say it, I feel like I had a similar experience because T2 is so much more prevalent in pop culture. I don't think I had this moment while watching T1, but I do remember learning that he was the bad guy in T1 at some point and being surprised. First movie to ever make me genuinely tear up, and more interestingly, it was hours afterwards! On top of everything you said, I think it's really good at making every viewer take something different away, that's unique to their lives and baggage. It's really interesting to read discussions on this movie, and see what scenes stuck with people. Obviously everyone has the big scenes in mind, but then there are smaller random scenes that I hadn't noticed, that had deeply affected someone else. Meanwhile, I had scenes that stuck with me for various reasons. The biggest was a moment when Calum asked his daughter to turn off the camera, and then the screen goes off and you just see them in the reflection. It's a very well executed scene, but it also hit me hard because I'm someone that's pretty obsessed with recording my life to preserve memories, and I could imagine future Sophie being really upset as the video cut to black, thus only leaving a memory, if even that much. Another is when Calum tells her that she can always tell her anything. On the surface it's already really sad, because she can't tell him anything after this trip. But it works on a meta level as well, because this movie is being viewed through future Sophie, and the scenes we see are the moments that stuck with her for one reason or another, so that moment stings extra hard once you realize that this memory is probably making her think of bad things that happened later in her life that she wishes she could've shared with her dad. I'm sure other people came away with similar interpretations, but what's interesting is that most movies would only have this amount of substance to them and no more, and therefore every discussion would pretty much only consist of that. Even some great movies only have a handful of moments that everyone discusses ad nauseum. But this small little movie has so much packed into it, that everyone's experience with it seems to be at least mildly different. You're talking about Jaws I suppose. I would absolutely be R rated because it does have nudity and PG-13 movies are not allowed to be as gory.