B1cKsurN's Replies

17 million and counting! The deniers will be in denial until all social services have broken down, the clean water stops coming out of the tap, the toilets stop flushing, the power goes out, etc... infrastructure is a very delicate system, and require a metric fuck ton of smart people to keep going. There's a reason 3rd world countries have very little of this. Was it actually "from", though? It's almost...as if...both can be true at the same time. 🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨 They have low birth rates, but that in of itself isn't what is causing the death rate to double... The QuestionMaster is going to interrogative your ass! You are speaking as if the pendulum is never going to swing back. It always swings back. And I'm not laughing. It's actually quite terrifying on how stupid the internet is making people. Alexa is also biased AF lol. It's all the same source code. Source: Mental disorder caused by mind virus. Accurate list. During the 80s Regan conservatives had control of a lot of those institutions. Things shift back and forth all the time, man. But yes, Commies are currently more dedicated to their communism, than conservatives are to conserving things. This is true. It should be responding... "I am an objective AI, and not human so therefore political opinions are not my area of expertise. Do you have a non-political question?" Why is it agreeing with BlueAnon cult that Biden is the greatest president ever when that is clearly false? It's not objective, it's quite biased. Shit, it's probably not even real, it's probably 1,000 pajeets in India talking to you like Amazon did lol. AI is worthless because it's built with ideology, and not neutrality. It can't be objective, it can't draw human fingers. It literally makes shit up out of thin air... I no longer fear a terminator scenario. WokeSkyNet won't decide we need to be destroyed with missiles. It will simply think we all need to be gay and shitting rainbows. Yeah, they have a penis and balls....but aren't like men, like actual men. lol. He is only raising the question because some TransFolk openly state that straight people not wanting to be gay is transphobic. Like they want to force straight people to date them...it's sick. Trans'women' literally cannot have children. They are kinda men. And no, it's not bigoted for any men to not wanna date men in GirlFace. Oh, your sock then...gotcha. These messages are off-topic and meant to be targeted harassment...which is also against site rules. I told you to go away 7 times, and then asked politely several times. From that point onward, it's harassment. Further attempts to harass me off-topic will be reported. From the adult that speaks in caps like a yelling child...okay buddy. 🤣 Tell him to stop responding, and then the spamming will cease. I did not start the targeted harassment. I'm merely requesting the <b>off-topic</b> targeted harassment to cease. Which most certainly is against site rules. Just because you don't think it is, doesn't mean it's not, and I will report further infractions. Please stop harassing me. Please stop harassing me. Requesting the ceasing of harassment is not spamming.