filmschooldegree's Replies

Yes, really I disagree about this "movie" having any fun moments, the only time I laughed was seeing it fail at the box office, but everything else is spot on Her husband had to work with a lot less when he created the Muppets, I'm sure she can cope He wuz Kang n shiet ay caramba It has an excellent visual rhythm, the opening act is brilliantly blocked and composed It is a pleasing failure, but Di$ney seem committed to social media likes That's what they did in those days man It just kept going and going in its awfulness as well - one of those horrific piles that should put itself out of its misery earlier but lacks the sense or decency to end at a reasonable time. The editors should learn to buck up or just quit working with Washed. Allegedly, but they denied it He looks like a mongoloid Gene Simmons, no surprise he acted like it too Very bad, the unnecessary runtime is perhaps its greatest hallmark of incompetence. Or recast Ezra Miller with another non-binary actor No, everyone hates him because he's a criminal I understand it now. It was definitely GoT-lite, never seemed to strike a balance between the source material and the woke aspirations. He's just never been able to remove that football he sat on, he's the reverse Hey Arnold They went from David Pumpkins to just a pumpkin According to Jlaw it's the first sex comedy starring a woman The objective was to minimise crime. Look at what happened when the autistic came along.