MovieChat Forums > SusieQ > Replies

SusieQ's Replies

I don’t ignore Obama, you clearly ignored what I said. The left, the right it doesn’t matter. They are all th3 same. Obama the drone happy idiot was crap, as would have been Hilary who at best would have been Obama the sequel. I’m not hating YOU at all. I’m pointing out your hypocrisy of blindly following a man the way you accuse others of blindly hating him. He is not the person you thought you were voting for. He used your anger against th3 status quo to trick you. And you are still falling for it, only now you have no reason to other than because you don’t want to admit you git tricked. Eh, no. I know exactly why you voted for him and those reasons are fine. Those reasons are all very good. But you’ve mixed something up, it’s you and the others that are blind to your trump. He’s a buffoon. He hasn’t done any of the things he said, like draining the swamp. He filled the swamp. Whether you are a racist, and ill assume you aren’t, you supported one. You knew he was a racist, or at the very least a bigot, and you didn’t care. Your fellow Americans, your countrymen aren’t all white and straight and Christian. They deserve the same president as you do. The gestapo shit you are talking about was the reaction of your formerright wing president. He was the one who started that patriot act bullshit. And you all loved him for it. Trump has since the start been connected with the russian investigation. Why should he be left alone? If he’s guilty he shouldn’t be, if he’s innocent he should welcome the investigation to clear him. Where’s the problem? He’s not some poor guy being railroaded, he has every means to defend himself. As he points out a lot he’s surrounded by the best people. So why are you so scared? Here’s what I know. He’s being looked at in connection. If he did it, he might get found out. If he didn’t do it, no one is going to frame him. By the way, it for nothing, but if you are all those things you said, I have no idea why you would be voting for either of the two main parties. They are both corrupt and only looking to fill their own pockets. Trump sold you all on the lie h was different, and that’s fine. But it’s time to cut your loses and stop pretending he isn’t more of the same. You will. You need to, or you can’t moan about it with all the other losers that can’t handle that Star Wars didn’t go the way they thought it would. A girl Jedi? Whore with small tits. Luke is a grumpy old man? Booo, no Luke is hero! It’s too much like the old ones, it’s not enough like the old ones, there too much cgi, there’s not enough cgi, etc etc etc blah blah blah. It truly shocks me how so many people can miss the theme of the last Jedi considering the reaction to empire all those moons ago. You would think people would have looked a little deeper. But no, just Endless crap about women in prominent roles, Chinese stunt casting and Luke skywalker dying. People need to moan, and they need to moan about anything. They look for it, they need it. Look at any forum, social media etc etc and it’s nothing but moaning about everything. And every single one of those people that swore off star wars after the prequels still watched. Everyone of those people after tfas came back because they need to moan, and you my dear sir, will do the very same. But best of luck giving it up. I’m going to leave you with the very wise words of Russel Crowe. “I owe you my best performance, I don’t owe you a good attitude.”. And that’s what it comes down to. Whether she is an asshole or not shouldn’t matter to you. The only thing that should matter is that she gives you her best effort. Bringing charges is an indication of proof. That’s the point of needing proof to bring charges. You do t bring charges because you suspect. If you were to charge me with anything you’d need proof that your charge was just under the current law. So if you had proof that met the burden the law requires then you would be just in your charge. Law is not and never has been about facts. It’s about what you can prove and disprove. If someone is charging you, it’s for a very good reason. scared of the question? Or the answer? It’s besides the point in relation to the accusation that an outside person, persons or governmental body influenced the election of the Podus. Doesn’t that bother you? Forget the trump part of it, it’s suspected that a foreign power had a hand in the us elections. Do you care? Cause I’d you don’t, you should. And your blind following of trump shouldn’t blind you to that. IF trump is a part of it or not, doesn’t matter. Ignoring it because you don’t want trump to be found out is reckless considering what the USA is supposed to stand for. And if it wasn’t? lol Just because you at a thing, doesn’t make it true. Trumps argument style shouldn’t be aped by an amateur. I bet trump could grab a pussy right in front of you and you’d still defend him. Such a silly, silly man. I pity the poor girl you dupe into letting you touch her. what do you expect from Hollywood other than cheap stunt casting to show they are all about equality? You need to look up the definition, dumb bitch. I think you’ll find he did, and still does if the rumours are true. That’s how it works, dumb bitch. If I don’t yes to letting you into my pussy, don’t trying force your way in because you “think” I’m into it. Again would you be happy if some guy grabbed your dick or ass? You’re a dumb bitch? Fair enough. 😂 And you have strange obsession with defending sexual harassers. Just because someone is too scared to say no, doesn’t mean yes, dumbass. You’re a what? So if you got fingered you’d be fine with it? From the man himself when he said he did it. Bless your wee cotton socks, you do struggle to keep up don’t you. J law herself admits she’s an asshole