MovieChat Forums > Duck6 > Replies

Duck6's Replies

You are the only person around here who legitimately seems angry Good summary, thanks I actually think they probably are laughing since it's been over a year and they have nothing on Trump except some convoluted conspiracy nonsense Stop putting words in my mouth, you're shit at reading. Get out of my thread. If people can't even access drinking water a country is not prosperous. It doesn't matter what the cause of their lack of water is, they're still not prosperous. They have to walk to water collection points to collect their weekly water rations. This is post-apocalypse shit, this isn't prosperity. End of discussion The colonizer concept of country (lines on a map) is not the same as a big bunch of land shared by a bunch of different people. They're both countries. You need to take your head out of your ass you sound like an angry teenager Africa was one country before colonizers started drawing lines on a map What exactly are you implying, water is not a measure of prosperity? What is a measure of prosperity then, how many iphones you have while you die of thirst? It was the best SW since the originals but that isn't saying anything at all. I never said they would be a super advanced society today, not even close. Just a dignified country allowed to develop in their own time and their own way. Didn't he write TFA? I thought that movie was terrible. They got him, and the artwork from the original movie, and they used real sets and blablabla but it all ended up just being marketing. The movie was still a Disneyfied theme park ride with more yelling than acting. Availability of clean water is probably the single best indication of prosperity, since it's the only thing people actually need to survive. South Africa is literally turning their water off and it will be rationed out. There is nothing prosperous about that. You can't say you know what Africa would be like, especially with regards for the atrocities that were committed against the people during colonization for capitalist motivations. There seems to be a habit of people living in current times to attribute their perceived ethnic values to people living 100-200 years ago. We're talking about people who treated other human beings like animals. They're turning off the water in Capetown next month so that's not really true. I recommend Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. It's almost nothing like this except that it's a military style game made by Japanese people. But it's a fantastic game nonetheless I like it Tony and Michelle from 24. Well it may have been successful for the colonizers but believe it or not African natives are also human Good post thanks. Still I would love to see how Africa moved into the 21st century without colonization. People using Ethiopia as the test case are disingenuous though. I would imagine there is a very good reason economically why these countries were never colonized, which would also explain why they never prospered. There is definitely something suspicious happening between Disney and RT. I know RT is owned by WB(?) but looking at the history between Disney movies and RT there is no way there aren't some dodgy deals behind the scenes.