ghostrider38's Replies

he's too old to play Spider-Man now. why would Maguire come back as Spidey? are you talking about that stupid "JJ cut" ? if he's telling the true, then I want to see this ending. the super duper special edition?? you made that up. no he's not. that's a lame answer to my question. when did Luke tried to kill Rey in her sleep? I don't remember that part. why does KK cares so much about making "the girl the hero" ? Luke was working for the dark side? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!? I heard they changed the number of episodes. to 4 episodes instead of 6. if Disney is obsessed with Darth Maul, then they should make a Darth Maul solo movie. the Concept Art from Colin Trevorrow's EP IX looks awesome. the battle of Coruscant looks cool. judging the script and the Concept art of Colin Trevorrow's EP IX ‘Duel of the Fates’. sounds and looks like his version of EP 9 is a sequel to TLJ. this is the 2rd best star wars movie. the first is TLJ. the love of her life Kylo Ren? Rey barley knew Ben. also why would she kill herself? that's a stupid idea. why would she sell BB8 for drinking money? WTF?!? Yes. Tatooine sucks!! It's a terrible place to live. I don't know about Jakku. In TFA: Rey talks about going back to jakku after she left. But I don't think she wants to go back there anymore. I heard Rey isn't staying to live on Tatooine. So maybe after TROS ended she went back to Jakku. IKR!! Also there's no Ben Solo redemption. He remains unredeemed and he die as a villain. Who's that?