ItsTheAngelMan's Replies

Yes, but he's so effeminate you have to guess he'll probably turn out gay when he becomes an adolescent. Like that kid in the Youtube video who gets scared by his mom while he's dancing to Britney Spears. Dr. Nick He's hilarious. Oh my god. If you were a teacher and you tried to deliver a line *that fucking lame* to a real bunch of kids, they would laugh you off the planet. None showed up until now. It wasn't funny in the first place so I would say it hasn't aged a day. (no order) The Last Seduction Once upon a time in america Miracle Mile Body Double tie between some action movie and Brokeback Mountain "We all know he has become a cultural icon for the maladapted" What? It's embarrassing to watch this movie and think of how praised it was, both by "professional" critics and the obsessive comic book fans. I hate comic book movies with a passion. I find it difficult to put into words how much I hate this movie, particularly the fact that its fans think/thought it's "deep" and "epic". Heath Ledger took all those drugs cus he knew how dorktastic the whole thing was, he wanted an escape. U-Turn (1997) A truly awful rip-off of the fine 1993 movie "Red rock west". Awful story that goes nowhere, Sean Penn as hnis usual loathsome self, and a script that seems like it was written by my dweeby self when I was 12... just awful. People these days lack perspective, especially kids. Like, they don't even have the simple ability to say "well he wasn't exactly the only one who used to say things like that in those days". So you are trying to exploit the naive youth to hate the guy who basically lead the world to beat the Nazis, not only by inspiring Britons with great leadership but also by convincing a skeptical American congress that the war in Europe was worth fighting (when they just wanted to ignore Europe's problems). For what brilliant purpose are you trying to get people to hate Churchill? You don't even have a coherent agenda, it's just mindless, self-indulgent whitey-hating. Where's your objection to the current-day crimes of ISIS? I don't see that news site you linked to complaining about the genocidal nutters of ISIS who want to kill, gas or rape everyone who isn't a Muslim. The Morning Star is a vile pile of garbage read by braindead morons like you. Moral lectures from Communists, always good for a laugh. I have no idea how you managed to copy and paste that so well whilst wearing a "GO ISIS! #1!" novelty foam finger on each hand. Host: Corpse of Dara O'Braian Corpse of Frankie Boyle, Corpse of Milton Jones, Corpse of Rob Beckett Corpse of Josh Widdicombe, Corpse of Romesh Ranganathan, Corpse of Russell Howard.