funkychicken's Replies

The Sea Wolf (1941) Best movie I've seen in quite a while. I'd call it a masterpiece even. Three O'clock High Interesting thread. Though I'm not sure what it's doing on Psycho's board? "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" is a very interesting and eye opening book. There's really not much you can disagree with as McGowan was a very facts based writer who did very little speculation. Just the facts mam. Verifiable facts. Yes, he is awesome, Visionary. Even if I have a hard time figuring his stuff out sometimes, lol. You gotta be in the right mood for Lynch though. Words of Wisdom with Special Agent Dale Cooper. [url][/url] Interesting observation. I'm not sure what it means. Aside from maybe being a subtle negative portrayal of Noah? He can't catch a break, lol ***Spoiler Warning*** I just got done watching episode two. White men are bad trope confirmed. [spoiler]Cole is demeaned in this episode going so far as to have kids draw a penis on his face in magic marker. Another big angry white man physically attacks Allison putting her in a choke hold. She is of course rescued by a handsome Latino man. The only other white male that plays any part that I remember is the surfer who hits Cole with a surfboard and smokes drugs off of tinfoil.[/spoiler] You write well, even if it is doublespeak and projective. Are you a writer for this show? lol I said "racial stuff", not the "introduction of a black character". It's more about the interaction and where it looks like it's going. I understand he is teaching at an inner city school where there doesn't seem to be a single white student? We'll see where it goes. I don't have anything against gays or blacks, but I am getting sick of tv and movies professing to teach me about these things. Racial justice, gay justice, white men are bad, etc. Leftie, SJW, label it whatever you want. btw, white men are bad message reinforced big time in episode two. See my spoiler post above. Thanks for the Ride Lady! lol lol :) I love it when synchronicity kicks in. The universe throws you signs and seems to line things up for you. It feels like something that sometimes is in effect and sometimes it isn't, and you can't force it. Kind of like your planets are in a good alignment (astrology) or biorhythms are high (I'm not saying either of those are a factor or even valid). Wow, what a headshot. Is that from imdb? True. I'd say it's easily the best since the original trilogy. But that's really not saying much. lol, I guess it must be that time of day? "2nd best of the franchise behind Empire" That right there shows you don't know what you're talking about. Empire is 2nd best behind "Star Wars", past that it's all subjective. It's a great movie. I disagree that it's "overlooked". I saw it in the theater, and have watched it many times over the last 25 years. An unfortunate trend. I mostly watch old movies these days. I disagree with actionkamen's comments "whining online" does help spread the word about this kind of crap. Warning potential customers that they are in for a dose of SJW preachy bullshit is a good thing, and will hurt the bottom line as much or more than "simply not buying their products". Like 30 years ago, in an "adult" theater. Who cares? You make some good points. But somehow it still makes for great viewing imo. I look forward to it more than I do Westworld anymore. Damon is such a whiner. He's really not that good on the show either.