TiaTamaragohomee's Replies

no clue because the actor who plays negan is terrible and the character is really annoying. nah I played it with friends when it came out. Where were you loser? Yeah she's terrible in everything and not pretty either. It's weird she's even allowed to be in movies. obviously it's due to his drinking. Basedon the replies already it looks like the answer to the original question is indeed yes. I wish it came out later that danny killed her lol ofcnot these movies are so illogical, but not as dumb as marvel movies Stop asking dumb questions wueer yeah screw stacey. I liked vicky. lol thanks hahahaha agreed. fuck that guy. It was an accurate portrayal of women though. They can be pretty annoying. She's already huge. lol Why would that weird you out? Are you bad at math or something? Agreed Yeah seriously. How am I wrong? exactly cool story