TiaTamaragohomee's Replies

Pop, Cher was high class and from money. Elton cared more about that it seemed to me. Also, the fact she wouldn't date any high school guys may have made him want her even more. soooooooooo badddddddddddddddddd yes they all are horrible show was jokig def off topic hope all the main characters get killed off. They're all horrible actors and annoying it's lak people i it You're confusing a narcissist with a gay man. The gay guy thought he was attractive, that's why he hit on him. You need to learn what non sequitur means. YOU BITE YOUR TONGUE! Yes! I felt like I was there haha it was awesome. Can you do more? Wasn't a non sequitur They're only like B yes Why don't you like Vicky? She did act bitchy