prayformojo's Replies

The Star Wars boards are rocking... not sure I like what that reflects.... but this is a relatively obscure film. It didn't play in my city (and probably many others). But for the most part, no, most people don't know about this website. It's irrelevant. He would be wrong to 50% of Americans and right to the other 50%. My take on a Rian / Kennedy version would be something like this: At the start of the movie things are in a very low state for the resistance. A new pink haired lesbian woman comes out of nowhere as the new "Admiral" in charge of everything because of some heroics at some off-screen battle. There is another battle where Poe (the male x-wing pilot) doesn't follow orders and things get even worse for them. There is a trial and Poe is gets blamed for everything that's happened. He is banished or executed for his crimes and most of the male pilots replaced by women. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren and his band of Evil White Men (tm) have once again bounced back and built a new superweapon (maybe a cube shaped death star this time) and 300 star destroyers out of nowhere. Rey learns this via a force skype call with Kylo Ren. There is a dramatic moment when the pink haired woman tells her not to go, but Rey disobeys and goes to confront Klyo Ren by herself. Kylo Ren wants to convert Rey so he lets her into the Death Cube (tm). They fight a bit, and then Rey decides to unleash her ultimate weapon: feminist sexuality. She starts coming onto Kylo as an "empowered female in control of her sexuality" and seduces him literally. They have sex and when Kylo's guard is down she sticks a lightsaber through him (in a juicy metaphor). Meanwhile, the pink haired women and an all-female (with a couple token minorities, like Finn thrown in) force of x-wing pilots lead a brave assault against the cube and the 300 star destroyers to save Rey. Only by using feminine "teamwork" and keeping the hot shot males from screwing things up do they succeed in turning the battle. Rey hits the giant red "self destruct - do NOT press" button on her way out of Kylo's chamber and leaves the cube. The cube blows up and the final shot is of Rey and the Pink Haired woman celebrating and making out a little, with force ghost Yoda and force ghost Luke leering in the background. THE END. It will probably happen in a few years as a "Hail Mary" pass to try and save the franchise (but by then it will be too late). And Harmy's Despecialized Editions have completely stolen the thunder. The longer Disney waits, the more people will get those editions and more irrelevant their release would be. They would also be under pressure to make it look better than the despecialized versions, which would be no small feat at this point. It's worth noting how much better the despecialized films are. You have not really seen Star Wars until you have seen those. [url][/url] (Downloading is completely legal as long as one already owns the blu-ray or DVD "specialized" editions). Lucas could have pulled it off by simply dropping his ego and letting others help in the writing process. RLM makes fun of Lucas for seeming like he turned in the first draft of the script he wrote in one weekend and just went with it. This other documentary shows that's almost exactly what did happen! It gives some reasons (excuses) as to why things turned out that way, but there were alternatives available if Lucas was willing to share the credit. He was not. There was a potentially great story lurking in those prequels, but Lucas himself derailed it. According to this documentary, Lucas threw out the original plan he had for the prequels and instead went with the story about the child Anikin, Jar-Jar, and pod racing. That whole first film is a waste of time. Those video clips of Lucas going over the story boards for Phantom of the Menace for the first time are classic. You can tell everyone in the room is thinking "WTF is this?!?" To me it's like this: the Original Trilogy shows what a collaborative effort between many talented individuals can achieve. The Prequel Trilogy is a character study into the pride and ego of George Lucas, and the New Trilogy is about what happens when a greedy multi-national corporation purchases and takes over something that was once beloved (they destroy it). Chinese people actually don't like stereotypical, token, "westernised," Asian characters inserted into movies. They find it repellent and racist. Only hollywood SJW feminists, like the kind who made TLJ, don't understand this. Great post kuku, really enjoyed the editing video. The original Star Wars is a special film, and I highly recommend looking into the "Despecialized" versions of the original trilogy mentioned in that video. The key takeaway is this: the focus of the OT was on making the best film they could make. The focus of of new Star Wars is to ensure that race and diversity quotas are filled, that women have more spoken lines than men, and that timely political messages are inserted. That's why the OT are timeless classics, while I'm afraid these new movies will age horribly and look silly in a few years. The giant irony (and the giant tell of the true intentions) of these modern SJW filmmakers is that the original Star Wars, while perhaps not having too many modern human races on display (because there was no need for it) had an incredibly diverse number of aliens! One of the reasons that the new films don't feel like Star Wars is because the characters are almost all human. Whoops! I guess the Star Wars diversity police forgot about aliens (because it's not actually about "diversity...") Luke can "force project" anywhere in the galaxy. He can also monitor events anywhere in the galaxy. He could have had a scene with Han and saved his life. So when you think about it, under the "logic" of the new films, Luke kind of killed Han... Most spoilers on a single page 2017. In nature, highly poisonous snakes, frogs, toads and insects will always feature bright, unnatural colours such as red, blue, pink, or PURPLE. This is nature's way of warning other creatures to stay away from their toxicity. Absolutely false. Exhibit A: This three minute clip from Empire Strikes Back ([url][/url]) Watch it closely and discover everything that The Last Jedi is not. See how the minor / background characters appear real and interesting - they are not just a useless menagerie assembled to fill race and gender quotas. Note the interesting shot blocking and scene framing. This is called "good direction" and helps enhance the story. See how real and relatable the characters such as Han and Chewie are. See the actual intelligent subtle joke of C3PO quipping that he speaks 6 million languages. Note how everything you see, from the clothing to the spaceships looks and feels REAL. See how the Empire characters seem like a real and competent threat, and not just a bunch of keystone cops. See how Vadar projects actual menace, will, and competence - he's actually scary. See how the crew members all look up at him as he walks by. Note the implied infighting and jockeying for rank that goes on within the Empire. All in just 3 minutes. None of that was accomplished in THREE FREAKING HOURS of the Last Jedi. Evidence provided to back up your theory = none. In a New Hope Leia was: - Already a princess and an accomplished leader. - Already a leader of the rebel alliance. - Already battle hardened. - Already trained. So Leia just acted like who she was. She didn't use the force or do things out of character. She never single handedly saved the day, and only barely escaped death with Luke's help. And despite her strengths, she still needed to be rescued. Contrast this with Rey - a nobody from nowhere with no training who becomes the most powerful Jedi in history in the span of a few weeks of "time" in the story. Over two movies Rey has never been hurt and never been in real danger and never needed help from anyone. That's a "Mary Sue." The irony is that the Rey character is the one that portrays women in a worse light. She is not a real hero that girls can look up to, she's a fake a stereotype. Nolan (or someone like him) is exactly what Star Wars needs. Both the bad Batman films and the bad Star Wars films have a common thread of being aimed at kids and being used a vehicle to sell toys and merchandise rather than a vehicle for filmmaking (think porgs, BB-8, Jar-Jar, child actors, lame jokes, the list goes on and on). What Nolan did with Batman is that was he was able to wrestle it away from the corporate zombies, who had lost faith in their ability to sell toys off the brand, and make actual films. But the corporates won't give up Star Wars until the same thing happens and people stop buying toys. Lucas could have authorized some real films to be made, but instead he chose a giant payday. We are at least a decade away from this moment for Star Wars. That really belongs in "The Force Awakens" page, because that video explains why "The Force Awakens" is actually a worse movie than "The Last Jedi," despite all the fan rage being directed at seemingly only the latter. Edit: I just found the version applicable to this years movie (Empire Strikes Back: The Last Jedi Edition): Lucas's fundamental flaw was this: even though the original trilogy was not really made for kids, he knew that kids loved Star Wars and bought lots of toys and shit ($$$$$$). So he intentionally wrote Phantom Menace for kids. I think only the strong fan backlash caused him to alter the 2nd and 3rd movies to be less kid focused and to write Jar-Jar out (Jar-Jar was originally going to be a main character in all three movies). It was this original choice the screwed the entire trilogy. There never should have been a movie about Anikin as a kid, or even a whiny teenager. Lucas wasted the entire opportunity on bullshit just to appeal to kids. The films should have started with young Anikin already a Jedi or at least in training. They should have established what a great Jedi he was and how much of a powerful force on the Jedi side he was. A big problem with Lucas's films is that Anikin was never established as a hero, he was just a whiny bitch the entire time. Imagine if the character of Luke Sykwalker was unexpectedly turned to the dark side in the 3rd film of the OT - how powerful would that have been? That's how the prequels should have gone: 1 film to establish Anikin as a true hero, 1 film to set up Anikin's turn (and personally, I wouldn't make it anything to do with a whiny bitch needing love), 1 film to show Anikin betraying the Jedi, turning into Darth Vader, and ushering in the rule of the Empire. To me, the diner scene was the final release from whatever kind of spell the boy was creating. The girl had a plate of food and when the boy came (and only when the boy came) was she allowed to eat something (presumably for the first time). Once she had eaten something, they left, completely cowed. And her glances back strongly implied the girl still had a thing for the boy. I think it was to show how the boy had all the power at the end. JarJar = the key to all of this. It all makes sense now. She looked and sounded awful. It's obvious her screen time was kept to a bare minimum because she was not up to par at any level. I actually though to myself when watching it that if she looked that bad wearing movie makeup (which is notoriously thick / heavy) there must have been something seriously wrong. I heard a theory that losing weight quickly for this film was a big factor in her deteriorating health and then death. More things I learned from TLSJW: - Women never need any help from anyone. Even when they come seeking help, such as to a remote Jedi island, they shouldn't actually directly ask for help, and really don't actually need any help and can figure everything out themselves. - When a woman comes to an ancient, sacred island that has existed for thousands of years, it's completely acceptable to slice off ancient rocks and blast things for her own amusement. Meanwhile Luke lives there for 50 years and co-exists respectfully. - In the far future, space ships won't have reactors but will instead need some kind of "space gas" or they will stop moving in a matter of days. (This will fact will be ignored in every previous and subsequent movie). - When pursuing a ship running on "space gas" it's inconceivable to use hyperspace to send half your fleet ahead of them. Instead you should just chase at low speed and give them time to cook up an escape plan. - When a female leader is confronted about having no plan, they should never admit they don't have one and never ask for any input. It's best to just pretend you have a plan until things fall apart. That's good leadership. - Bad guys are just bad guys. They don't need reasons for anything they do. They are just bad. We don't need to understand why they are dong anything or where they come from, that's just a waste of time. - Thousands of soldiers dying in an exploding spaceship = "meh." One woman dying from her own incompetence = "a hero to be praised." - We value diversity above all else... unless you are some kind of weird brown calamari-thing - then you get 2 seconds of screen time and killed off without anyone caring. Who cares if you were important in a previous movie: kill the past. I'm not surprised. It's an incredibly pretentious film, and it's too clever and self-congratulatory by a long shot. The entire film is like an inside joke that leaves most viewers on the outside. It's an art house film that somehow got slipped into a wide distribution.