ReturnOfWhiskey's Replies

[SJW]You, you're just scared of the vagina![/SJW] 2/10 Raiders of the Lost Ark The Empire Strikes Back Jaws Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Sith Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones The Mary Sue Awakens Rogue None The Last Piece of Shit, er Jedi I'd take the prequels any day over the garbage Disney's given us. Sorry but RO felt nothing like a SW movie (at least until Vader appeared but waaay too late). And that idiot who kept chanting I am one with the force the force is one with me was more annoying than Jar Jar. Any and every scene with Scut Farkas was the best *cue the Farkas laugh* LOL yea #6 might trigger Froggy just a TAD. Hilarious stuff. Breathe Froggy, breathe. You'll be okay. *Pats Froggy on the head* lol, nope! Can't have a meaningful discussion with a delusional SJW out trolling a message board just looking for any excuse to pull out the sexism card. Intelligence is no longer required now that we know you're a nutbag SJW with an agenda. It's a lot more fun ruffling your feathers like this.... Rey is Mary Sue Rey is a Mary Sue Rey is a Mary Sue lol I went ahead and ordered the Deluxe package after watching this Documentary. VHS was not used, majority was Blu-Ray and the 2006 LE DVD's. check it out it's a great doc: [url][/url] 68.9% is the three-day weekend to weekend drop. I didn't research but you're probably correct on the 77% Friday to Friday drop TLJ 10 Day total: $365,088,356 TFA 10 Day total: $540,058,914 TLJ is down 68.9%, that's nearly DOUBLE the drop of TFA (which fell only 38.9%). This is a Huge disparity & a STRONG message to Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy, and Disney to not fuck with Star Wars lore. Yes sir indeed, froggyboy ignores simple FACTS. Notice how he fails to respond to any of the responses to his mindbogglingly stupid questions above. And speaking of facts, the fact froggyboy considers Superman the "ultimate" Mary Stu is proof positive he doesn't even know what a Mary Stu/Sue even is. Hilarious! He's just a fragile little thin-skinned SJW that goes around looking for any reason to pull out the "sexism" card. Ahahaha froggyboy PWNED yet again Loving this little SJW getting shot down post after post! Poor wittle froggyboy, keep bringing your leftwing nonsense it's so entertaining watching you get triggered and humiliated Rey is a Mary Sue Rey is a Mary Sue Ray is a Mary Sue LOL oh froggyboy so easily triggered. Waiting for your replies to the arguments below that shot down your little "defensive" arguments hahah Rey is a Mary Sue, Rey is a Mary Sue, Rey is a Mary Sue PWNED! What, no reply from Froggyboy? haha haha, Miss Piggy still not giving you any 'ol Kermitboy? Anakin in TPM is a Mary Sue as well. So much for being "triggered by a vagina", precious little Kermit Oh look it's Kermit the frog again spewing his usual defensive and unfound nonsense anytime Rey gets called a Mary Sue. Touch touchy lmao Yup. Reality check-time for the libtards. This also proves the 53% AUDIENCE approval on Rotton Tomatoes was accurate and the Cinemascore "A" grade was complete BS Suck it Rian Johnson! Cool thanks! I've been eyeing these myself, did you get these from "teamblu_video" off Ebay? Is the picture quality pretty even throughout? I ask because I heard the de-specialized versions were pieced together from different sources.