janelsenor's Replies

It's legit. Took about a week to get my discs. Depends. The OT commentaries for the 2004 DVDs (2011 blu rays) were audio clips from other interviews, but they were at least constant. The commentaries on the prequels were actually really good. TFA commentary by JJ Abrams was OK. Informative and not a lot of dead air. No commentary for R1, which was disappointing. Doubtful. If it's a setup for anything, it's not Johnson's trilogy, which is supposed to be completely unrelated to the saga entries. [quote]Don't even get me started on that stupid ending with the kid. Why do we need set up for another trilogy of movies just because Disney hired Rian to make more, that will probably not even end up actually happening now? Why does every movie need to be connected to/setting up other movies that won't be out for 5+ years?[/quote]I don't think that scene is a setup for Johnson's trilogy. It was just going with the theme that resistance/rebellion still isn't dead and there will still be more Jedi. Yes. It wasn't meant to be a mystery. It was pretty obvious. [quote]From what I gathered, the similarity is that Luke secludes himself and maybe had second guesses, but that's about it.[/quote]But that's precisely what Hamill states he thinks Luke would never do and he seems to blame that on Johnson when Johnson just got it from Lucas. We know it's true. Pretty sure the backlash would have been the same regardless of who wrote it. Lucas had Luke in exile reluctant to rejoin the fight. Which is odd because Luke's exile and reluctance to rejoin the fight was taken from Lucas's outlines.... I plan on it. Maybe. If Lucas wrote the scene, Jar Jar would have farted at the same time when being milked. Going to re-watch it after the first viewing has sunk in and see what I think. See? It could always have been worse than what we got. Luke's exile wasn't Rian's idea. It was actually taken from George Lucas's outlines. [quote]The only problem with this is that while the Emperor did not have a backstory in the original trilogy, the fact that he's called "emperor" does give him a CONTEXT. We know what emperors are, and that they rise to political power in one way or another.[/quote]Snoke is called "Supreme Leader". Same difference. It's not necessary. You mean more than they already have? I really doubt spirit Anakin will ever appear in the films. Obi-Wan definitely won't as his spirit is the Guinness version in canon. It was a puppet, but something was off about it. And the "spirit glow" effect was shit for the birds in this. So a "real fan" has to like every entry in the series?