janelsenor's Replies

It's not supposed to be a good love story. It's supposed to be awkward, uncomfortable, and just plain wrong. /thread People love being outraged every second of their lives. It makes them feel like crusaders. Agreed. Season 6 could have been a contender had they made a full season. I view Last Temptation as more of a "What if?" scenario and Passion as a more straight dramatization of the story. [quote]Another movie I enjoy (and I might be the only one) is 1993’s The Judas Project.[/quote]You probably are. [cheers] I like this one, but it's far from an accurate depiction of a Roman crucifixion. Gibson often went for emulating classical art over historical accuracy. If anything, the crucifixion in The Last Temptation of Christ was more historically accurate. Hell, even the depictions of crucifixion on Xena: Warrior Princess were more accurate than it was in this movie.... They are two different films. The end of Skyfall is more akin to Straw Dogs, which I always thought the end of Home Alone was parodying. The end of Skyfall is also similar to numerous episodes of Burn Notice. Home Alone is a fun flick. I didn't think Skyfall was that great either. But that's still a stupid statement to make. That's so stupid. Lol. [laugh] It's a clone. So it's his "son" in the sense Boba was Jango's son.... I know that OHMSS was intended to be made ever since Goldfinger was completed, but they also wanted to keep somewhat of a continuity between the films. So OHMSS takes place after YOLT despite the fact that it seems silly for Blofeld not to recognize Bond. One thing they did change from the bookwas Bond's desire to stay on his mission to get Blofeld. In the book, he wants off the mission. In the film, since he's already encountered Blofeld before, he fights to stay on the mission to find Blofeld. Nah. Bond's awesome "disguise" fooled Blofeld in OHMSS.... You can, and I could kind of see that before Spectre was released. Even the video game 007 Legends went with that, showing classic Bond films as missions Craig's Bond went through between the events of Quantum of Solace and Skyfall. Spectre kind of ruins that theory, as Bond is clearly meeting Blofeld and learning about Spectre for the first time in that movie. There's no way to reconcile the two timelines that I can see. Ruth lost a few IQ points this season. Every bad choice she made seemed out of character with how smart she's been shown to be in previous seasons. Many of the people involved wanted to reboot back when Dalton was brought in, or at least make his films prequels. Cubby Broccoli nixed that idea. He was old school and just wanted to keep making Bond movies, no matter how little sense the continuity made. He was from an era when films were made to be seen in theatres only. He didn't think/care about people rewatching on home video and scrutinizing the timeline. Once he was gone, they finished Brosnan's run and rebooted the series. It's a reboot. It makes sense. Every character is dumber this season.