kellycallie's Replies

She looked absolutely pitiful. The odds of a drop dead gorgeous Latin man being interested in her were all but zero. Biggest plot hole in the movie. Unless this was a reversed gender gold digging situation. No this show was cancelled because it was poorly planned and terribly produced and acted. It seemed to have a style from the sitcoms in late 90's or early 2000's rather than the modern sitcom of the 2010's. I'm guessing that was because that was the last era Michael J Fox produced and acted in television.. the late 90's. It was dreadful. The aspect of his illness and its toll was of the lesser problem. It was funny to read a few posts in this forum of people thinking it was cancelled because ''Fox looked too sick'' - no, that wasn't just it. It was very obvious though he wasn't capable of doing T.V again and was just forcing himself to do it. I don't think the critics ''got'' how she portrayed the character. They wrote her acting off as monotone but really the character she was portraying was a deeply unhappy woman unable to recover from her grief. It was not supposed to be a ''lively'' performance. She did pick it up at the end of course. She had a subtlety to her acting and most of it was nonverbal (posture, gestures, vibes) she did an excellent job at portraying silent suffering. That isn't necessarily true. HIV tests results can be told over the phone. In terms of the acting cheery the next time we see him many people diagnosed with a HIV or another serious illness go through phases of emotions. It doesn't mean he was over it, it just means he was having a good day. You have to be nuts. Her body was incredible in that movie, I was a teenager when I saw the film and could not have been more jealous of her figure and beauty. Michael Bay may not know anything about film making but he knew how to pick gorgeous women in his films. The 00's? You mean the 2010's. Jim Carey career was totally dead by 2010.. Mostly his choice to work periodically rather than consistently and to take bad roles when he did. The break down stuff didn't begin to happen until 4 years ago. Now it looks as though he may be suffering from the effects of HIV by the looks of him.. not to mention the rumors. I would say Jacob's Ladder is the more mature version of Donnie Darko (not entirely the same though) for adults above 25 to enjoy. Donnie Darko is rather juvenile and even when you understand the the plot device/twist it really isn't that thrilling for an adult. Come on now. Saudia Arabia is not a friend? you know that's not true. There are quite a few cases like Megan. Usually a model with no acting experience or ability is put in a movie just to look good (and that's fine). I think she should have stuck to Transformers with the supporting role (notice she always had minimal lines in the films?) and perhaps a few other films playing a similar role. Is she an actress? no, but that doesn't mean her career couldn't have gone on a few more years playing eye candy and getting paid well. Now the dream is pretty much over for her because of her age and the extra plastic surgery that went beyond a certain point that left her slightly deformed. Ashkenazi Jews are mixed with Eastern Europeans - yes the ''Khazars''. Even some Roman blood too. Middle Eastern Jews (the real Jews) are not. Never understood why the U.S is so obsessed with supporting and defending Israel. They need to let the mddle east solve their own issues. Israeli Jews are Semitic people no different genetically than Arabs - it's just the ''religion'' that separates them. They need to resolve this issue on their own and realize they are of the same blood. No, Martinez was just overworked and slightly apathetic. Astrid's Mother was rotten to the core (that was evident from even the beginning of the movie). She deserved no respect. To draw attention away from her looks so the other girls would leave her alone. But I don't think it worked exactly, she still appeared to have black eyes and busted lips the entire sequence of where she was at the group home. Kind of futile. More like Razzie. He was terrible in the role. If they were going to make this movie an older eastern European man should have been hired for the role. It's funny that this was such a ''feminist'' movie directed by a feminist woman Diablo Cody but yet it objectified Megan Fox as a piece of a** in literally every scene she was in. She was even required to diet for the role dropping down to a reported 99 pounds. That doesn't sound too ''feminist'' to me. She did look rather boyish. He raped her because of her youth and vulnerability... basically because he ''could''. He was not just ''depressed'' he had an aggressive Parkinson's variant that included symptoms of dementia. He did what he felt he had to do. Chloe was a prostitute suffering from possibly a borderline personality disorder looking for a mother figure in Catherine. But.... I do NOT think for a minute that David was faithful to Catherine. It was obvious from the earlier scene with his student when he ''missed his flight'' and probably many other times. Catherine had grounds to do what she did by hiring Chloe in order to (I believe) get a divorce process going (which would is what she should have done). I sit on the fence as to whether he took Chloe's advances - we know the hotel scene was fake and Chloe was just lying about him having sex with her but it could have been another time. Likely oral sex. The ending is depressing... not because of **spoiler** Chloe's death. But because Catherine never came to her better senses and let her stupid husband gaslight into her thinking his affairs were all in her head and she was a nut for hiring prostitute to test him. Also when he said ''I've never met this person'' (Chloe) another lie. She should have left him. Only at that time and perhaps into the 90's and the early to mid 2000's. I did move out briefly at 16 (in 2006 - live in the Toronto area) but moved back about a year or so later as it was too expensive to live on my own. Now things are different, you have adult children living with their parents because of the enormous housing bubble all through southern Ontario. Things are not how they used to be.