MovieChat Forums > Dreika

Dreika (18)


Puff, The Magic Dragon is NOT a reference to MJ. No, not how things work... It's a good movie, but no one gets away with that in a workplace now Weird and awkward. Like a modern day Troop Beverly Hills! Not amused When I met Matilda the Hun Too tweenie for me Tombstone or Wyatt Earp? Were the Earps really heroes? View all posts >


Yes, I agree. I think the documentary was great! I met Matilda the Hun back in the day, when I was about ten years old. I have a picture somewhere, and I plan to dig around in my Mom's old photo albums to find it. I didn't realize, at the time, how fortunate I was to get a pic with her in her glory days. Just because a movie is long, doesn't mean it is any good... What it three hours! I slept through some of it, so didn't notice. I agree that the acting was not up to par. That is odd for Kevin Costner. I feel like Tombstone was a better portrayal, and more engaging. My person opinion of the Earps is that they were not western law man and heroes, they seemed a bit bullyish to me, and abused the law to avenge their own agenda. Yet, you felt the need to come here, and make sure everyone on earth knows that you're not watching it? I doubt any of that is true. You watch every episode, and did nothing by crossing your arms, throwing yourself on the ground, pouting, sticking out your bottom lip and saying, "I'M NOT WATCHING IT BECAUSE IT IS MEANIE POO-HEAD TO TRUMP!" I mean , really, that's essentially what you did with your post. It was the cyber version of that. Who's the real cry-baby? Besides, it has nothing to do with Trump or Hillary, or anyone else. It is about a cult of extremists, on every political scale, a bunch of clowns, and now Francis Conroy came lurking in. The fun is just starting. But it's ok, you can go suck on your pacifier and be fake-mad about it. Sort of like your goofy posts and responses on this board. Remember, it was a Trumpie that cut off his hand to vote. Seems a bit irrational to me. I don't care for her! I recently started watching the series, and she was ok at first, but I cannot stand her now! I think she is trashy, and it grosses me out how she just goes from dude to dude. Then a girl, then back to dudes, then another dude. The drugs irritate me, the art thing is predictable, and I think she is snarky, rude, and self-entitled to her mother and everyone else. She always has to response with something sardonic and flippant. She never added anything to the show, just was another unnecessarily sullen, self-pitying, hateful, stupidly rageful, ungrateful, brat teenage girl that happened to have a cool ride, but never really worked for anything. I have to agree! I really find him to be self-entitled, demanding, and emotionally immature. He has a fit when things don't go his way. You're analysis of him was very accurate in that he is always searching out people to tell make him feel good, and constantly praise him. I get sick of him thinking that he has a right to decide how everyone else is supposed to think and feel, then gets angry when they don't. He is too toxic, too tragic, and too spoiled for me. View all replies >