Sandman81's Replies

There is the element of "too soon". For major tragedies like this or 9/11, people need time to process what happened, get over the shock of it and grieve. Once you give people that time to get themselves together, then sports can become the much-needed distraction, like they were in 2001. The NFL was wrong to play those games so soon after the assassination. Everyone involved in those games regretted the decision to play. And to make matters worse was the story was still developing. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot less than an hour before kickoff, and people were trying to figure out what happened with that. Ruby was in his Junior year at Holy Cross. As stated, Notre Dame did not accept senior transfers, so this was Rudy's last chance to get in. He was accepted and immediately tried out for the football team. He spent that season on the practice squad under coach Ara Parseghian. Prior to his senior year Dan Devine took over as coach. Rudy remained on the practice squad all year until the last game. So there you go. Two seasons playing for Notre Dame, 1 senior year. Hope this cleared up any confusion. Frazier would never have taken a title shot with only 6 weeks to train. Of course. The devil will always greet you with a smile. He got to be the nice guy because he had guys like Rocky around to handle the not nice stuff for him. It wasn't the final round. There was another round after that, as well as time left in that round. Plenty of time for Apollo to do even more serious damage to Rocky, if not kill him. Rocky's eye was already seriously injured, and his nose was broken. Mickey was just trying not to get him killed. Duke was doing the same for Apollo. He didn't want him to go out for the last round. Which would have cost him the title, and been incredibly embarrassing. My guess is that he had some kind of medical emergency in his jacuzzi and lost consciousness. He went under water and drowned. Wasn't she always broke anyways? And she had already sold off most of her interest in Graceland. 1,500,000 x 1,500,000 =2,250,000,000,000. More like 2 and a quarter TRILLION. If the show had been cancelled during season 1, it would have gone down as one of the biggest disasters in the history of network television. The pilot episode cost between $10-$14 million, and other episodes were very expensive. And ABC marketed their entire fall line up around Lost and Desperate Housewives. If either had been so bad that they were cancelled mid-season, then that would have been a disaster that ABC would still be feeling. I would say that turned out to be an excellent decision by Kurt Russell. First, Escape from New York is infinitely better than Flash Gordon. Second, he got work with John Carpenter for the second time. They had already done the Elvis made for tv movie, and now he had the chance to not only do a movie with him, but a dark, gritty thriller which Carpenter had already shown a talent for making. Third, the success of this movie lead to him following it up with The Thing, also directed by Carpenter. And three years after that he did the slapstick action-comedy movie, but at least it was by a director he trusted... John Carpenter. Is he doing anything to be cancelled from?? She's distracting everybody from seeing this 41-3 game. She put his hand on her tit and had her other hand on his dick. She was having a good time. Loved it as a kid. And to this day anytime I have to write turtle i hear that robotic voice in my head going "T-U-R-T-L-E POWER!!!" I've enjoyed The Killer Angels very much. But even there some of the speeches were a little long winded and redundant. And it's even more so in the movie. It just did not need to be four and half hours. And the Chamberlin/Hancock speech wasn't just unnecessary, but completely nonsensical. The 20th Maine was in the 5th Corp, with was under General Sykes. That's who Chamberlin would have been getting orders from, and meeting with. And if not him then it would have been General Meade. Sorry you lost. I don't think he disliked most of the people on the show. And he was probably genuinely happy for them when they won, especially the putting game. But there were things they could do that would annoy him really fast, and even more so when he got older. 1) Touching him without permission. It was made clear to all contestants not to touch Bob, unless he initiated it. For the guys, just normal handshake, not to rough. And the ladies it was a kiss on the cheek, maybe a little hug from the younger ones. Don't give him a big bear hug, or pick him up, or jump on him when you win. 2) Don't disrupt the flow of the show. Over celebrating having the winning bid and not coming directly up to him, or not knowing where to go were pet peeves of his. Or taking too long to make a choice. 3) Not knowing the rules of the games. Yeah, this might have partially been him being a cranky old man, and thinking everyone should just know all the rules to all the games. Not like they changed much over the years. But even still he would carefully explain them to every contestant, and if you still screwed it up then you won his disgust. You can smell his fart. I remember this, and was surprised she did it because it came out right after Meet the Fockers which was a big hit. Kind of surprising that she was so worried about her career at that point because she worked pretty steady during the four years inbetween the movies, including being the lead for a whole season of a show. And after Fockers she was on West Wing for a whole season. Since then, she's worked a lot, but nothing that've heard of. Yes, I did point out several key points from the plot to support my point that the FBI was worthless in this movie. They might have been right at first about paying the ransom, but when Mullin comes back from the botched ransom drop and says the guy making the pick-up had no clue where his son was supposed to be, they should have realized that these kidnapers were not going to give his kid back alive. But instead, they insisted he continue like before. And even when he tried to do something different, they undermine him by sending his wife. And just to further complicate the matter, they tell her about his past business misdeeds.