Sandman81's Replies

For Ending A/B: Mr. Body was using the "Trust the Devil you know" philosophy. Meaning if they turn him in to the police, he will expose them. If they kill him, then they risk their informants telling someone worse, or even Wadsworth deciding too blackmail them. This was before they knew about his wife. But if they kill Wadsworth, then they can just go back to the status quo. They will continue paying Mr. Body what they were, and he would keep their secrets. He even turned off the lights so no one would know for sure who killed Wadsworth. Ending C: He was obviously ordered to pretend to be Mr. Body as part of his blackmail. Obviously Wadsworth didn't tell him that he would probably be killed, but it's unknown what he was told would happen. Maybe Wadworth told him that they would call the police and he would be arrested, but by the time the police realized he wasn't Mr. Body, then the real guy would be lone gone. However the butler knew not to trust his employer and brought the weapons as a back up plan. When he got there, saw the glares he got and realized how much danger he was in, he tried to warn them and escape himself. When that failed he got the weapons and desperately tried the same logic as the other endings, hoping one would buy it and kill the real Mr. Body by mistake, and then revealing himself and they would all leave, free of their blackmailer. The Indians and Yankees were tied at the end of the regular season. Only one team could be the AL East Champion and move on to the playoffs. So in the rare situations where this happened, they had a 1 game playoff, with the winner going to the playoffs, and the loser being done for the season. So as a coach you would want to start the pitcher who gave you the best chance to win that game. While Vaughn may have been the better pitcher, and it was his turn in the rotation, he had struggled every time he faced the Yankees, and he was a young guy who could have gotten rattled by being in such a big spot. So he chose to go with the veteran Harris for the start. From the Clonus Horror, the whole part with the smoke looking like it was coming from the guys groin. "Whoa, I got to a little easier next time!" "She really was on top of old smokey!" "Only you can prevent groin fires." From This Island Earth Servo: WHAT KIND OF SHIT HOLE PLANET IS THIS!!!!??? Cal: I'm gonna step out for some air. Crow: He's gonna get high.Woooooooo The mail man walks to the door Mike: Sort this, deliver that, I'll make'em all pay!!!! Terror from the Year 5000 Scientist: What is it???!! Mike: IT'S TERRIFYING!!!!!! Hamlet Crow: She's trying to section 8 her way out of the movie. When Arnold and Bill Duke burst through the door, the guy in on all fours facing away from the girl, and she is on her knees behind him. What were they doing? What kind of position is that?? Got to give them credit though. Gunshots in the next room didn't even phase them. Aside from how much of it was a clip show, I think a main reason many people hate the final is that it pointed out to us that we had spent all this time rooting for 4 terrible people. This was kind of like a major twist, except it wasn't because we should have realized that in most other shows, these people would have been considered the bad guys, even Jerry. Just rewatched this movie. There are some good moments and features in this movie. But it's just to difficult to get past Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd. And unfortunately, at least one of them is in 80% of the scenes of this movie. Then it's not really clear what is going on at the start. Why are they attacking Naboo? Why can't anybody including Naboo or any of their allies stop it? Lucas really needed write a script, then hand it off to someone else to fill in the dialog and direct. Has a 6th sense for knowing which high school girls "put out". It cracks me up how in the middle of all the endless sentiments Norman put on his mothers headstone he just slips "wife" somewhere in the middle, as if someone reminded him that she was married at the time of her death, and he begrudgingly acknowledged it. I don't think anyone ever really knew what happened, but there would definitely be those close to the situation with suspicions. I took Emma to mean she was sorry for leaving Norma alone with Norman, and not being there to help her. LOL ,I do that too. Sometimes I say it out loud, but leave out the F*** if there's other people around. I love the last one where we learn that not only do they know the bear by name, but they are bummed out that she is now "bald on both ends." Tony was already suspicious. But other things helped confirm it for him. Patsy telling him about the FBI. Jack asking to many questions, especially about specific people and places. Also Jack always wearing the same ugly hat. Then finally the weight comment. Jack asking if he lost weight, when it was clearly visible that he hadn't, and then the bathroom scale confirmed it not to be true. Jack was trying way to hard to butter Tony up. 1) During "Kill'em All" When all the Romans are inside and Batitus is trying to calm everyone and assuring them that they are safe inside and the guards are handling everything outside, then we see the Gladiators rushing thru the gate that Mira unlocked, and storming the house, killing everyone in their path. 2) Burning down the Arena is season 2 was an awesome sequence. Great seeing the Gladiators get revenge not only on their captures, but on the people who cheered their deaths. 3) For Crixus!!!!! Of course Cindy was worse. Tia was just a disillusioned teen, who was lonely and angry at her mostly absentee parents who not only were hardly around, but then uprooted their family to another state, away from their friends and relatives. Then on top of that, she had to come right home after school to watch her younger siblings, instead of going places or doing activities thru school that could help her make friends at her new school. Since it was a small town, everyone probably already knew that Mox was really smart and looking to go to an Ivy League school. Since they don't offer athletic scholarships, it's obvious that Mox is not thinking about the NFL. The town is so obsessed with football that once he became a star player, they all assumed he would naturally continue playing in the Ivy league. It's made very clear in the movie that Mox loves football, but its not the most important thing in his life, and he has no aspirations to play beyond high school. Texas produces so many great high school players every year that even if they all did want to play for Texas schools, there would not be enough scholarships for them. Probably every major program all over the country has at least a few kids from Texas. It's completely logical for Lance to be looking to go to Florida State. Its a big time program that is always in the National Title mix, and produces a lot of pros. Or maybe he just really wanted to leave Texas, or he went there on a recruiting visit and loved it and loved Bobby Bowden. And maybe he looked at their QB situation and thought that he could be starting by his Sophmore year. Also considering that these were the two heroes who destroyed the Death Star, I don't anyone would bother filing a report about something so trivial. Besides if Luke, the "offended" officer, wasn't bothered by it, then I don't think anyone else would be. And less we forget Leia is considered among the highest of leaders in the Rebellion, despite holding no formal military rank, and being a princess from a planet that no longer exist, and its representative in a Senate that was disbanded. Point being, in The Rebellion, your accomplishments and reputation matter more than your rank. Probably still play the football game, since it involved another school and would be much more difficult to reschedule. Dance would probably be postponed a week or 2, to give everyone a chance to grieve. Still would want to have it eventually but everyone would have still been in a state of shock, and there would have been major safety concerns for the kids. Then again I'm basing this on how a school would handle this today. In the 70's they may have gone ahead with it anyways, and good number of people might not have even heard about what happened. Do you think Paul played the grieving boyfriend angle to score an even hotter date? The Doyle house also has a giant rip in the couch from Michael's knife, blood on the floor in the living room and all over upstairs. Also the upstairs probably reeked of gun powder for weeks, and they need to replace that flower pot, and are short 1 hanger.