Moonglum9's Replies

Wushu tawkin bout, Wiwwis? The Jaunt. Crouch End. High five! I want to know why she didn't try different vocal oscillations until she hit on the frequency that the molecules of the handcuffs vibrate on, thus shattering them. I hate how movies don't unfold exactly how I think they should. Jerks. You talk funny, Nash. Where you from? Be quiet, Harvey! Shouldn't you be in Group right now? I agree. It was awesome. And since seeing this movie, Devil's Night is my new favorite holiday. I can see that somewhat. I lean towards it being like a child of Manimal and Wapos Bay. That's right LetThemEatCake! It's about time someone stood up for the downtrodden. Likewise, never watch anything with a white person in it because someone from their culture had owned slaves. For the same reason, black people and Muslims also bought and sold slaves in the past. Don't get me started on Native Americans - human sacrifices! I won't even get into the atrocities by some Asians and Indians over the course of history. I do enjoy the video of burning logs in a fireplace though. Well there was that time when he hulked out after catching his wang in his pants zipper. But that ones completely understandable. That hurts like hell! Yes, it was a good portrayal. Before he became Gollum, I keep thinking of him as Ozzy. Apparently sometime during Henry's travels after he left town, he finally got that giant honker shaved down a bit - either by plastic surgery or magic. That does suck. Whenever they decide to cancel Ash vs Evil Dead, I'm cancelling Starz. Well then Rasczak only needed to give Rico and Dizzy 5 minutes in the tent after the party. Not everyone is partial to horsemeat and orc stew that is popular in Rohan. It may have just needed some taters. Of course you would feel that way. Trying to get some publicity for yourself. The show actually got very good in season 4, but seasons one and two were pretty ordinary. But TNG, Voyager and DS9 all had pretty bad Seasons 1 and 2. It's still illegal aliens, but this time they actually are aliens. I think this is the sentiment of every Highlander fan in existence. And was well known before they even began The Raven series. But I guess the powers that be knew better.