VikkiVerki's Replies

I'm not even sure what happened. Was the girl a reincarnation of the lost daughter? If not, where did she get all the info about the accident/playground? Did her (real) mum tell her and if so, why? Did the biological dad know who she was? Presumably so as he would have recognised his lover. Totally confused and thus, for me, not a very satisfying film. Have you heard of Doc Martens? I have a pair that I still wear that I have had for over 40 years. I've just gone though every MovieChat page of A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place Part 2, looking for an explanation of them going barefoot. I can find nothing. Unless you are a lady clacking about in high heels on a hard surface, most shoes do not make noise. I completely agree. I hate jump scares and the tension that goes with them. Even though I love sci-fi like this and used to quite like horror. I was even going to watch A Quiet Place again before watching A Quiet Place 2. Well, I started watching it but turned it off because of the tension. There are fewer jump scares in Quiet Place 2 , I think. True, but great contributions. You'd have to go a long way to find a bad performance from Toby Jones. *fewer. But seriously, I had to check that this wasn't filmed during the #covid19 pandemic. I suspect that it was a director decision, and having only seen it at home on telly, I'd love to see it on a massive screen. I bet all that space looks good on, well, all that (screen) space. The hair thing is really bugging me. And I thought of the finger and toe nails, too. Why is hair non-shrinkable? And isn't our skin covered in hair? Was everyone sheared like a sheep? Have to say, this is more explicit than any woman has been shown in a Hollywood film. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall any Hollywood non-porn film showing a woman's labia. You are, of course, correct. However, if I am looking for an answer to a query I have, or if I just want to read as many opinions from people who have seen the film, I want to go back to the first posts that contain those opinions. In a forum containing 100s of threads, that a pain. Although I admit, just a minor pain. "Just don't read them. It's that simple." My god! You're right! Why didn't I think of this?! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love the old posts, too. That's why I come here. Often it's to find out some information about something I didn't understand about the film from other viewers. I just find speculation / opinions about a forthcoming film to be tedious and pointless. Especially when said speculation is about a now-released film. It's a pity IMDB didn't set up two forums for each film: Pre-release and Post-release. The sad fact is many men these days are snowflakes. It's not enough that the majority of films are aimed at them. So much so that they would never be able to watch every such film or TV show. No, they must also tear down films solely because those films are not made with them in mind. If the batteries were flow batteries, these would last for decades. I wonder, though, if nothing changed in those 5000 years. Were there no floods, heatwaves, forest fires? Overpopulation of one species; extinction of another species? Maybe things did change but as they had no means of recording it, it only lived on as vague folk memory? I didn't think Katie was seeking funding. I thought the person with her was a developer being interviewed to maintain DEVS. But you are right about the everythingness of DEVS. Once they are in, they are in every universe and have been born and died an infinite number of times. Three years on, reading this board for Hidden Figures, I can see why IMDB closed the boards down. It is so tiresome to read, or even just ignore, the racist posts and posters. Such a shame as I loved the boards and think they should be attached to the movies they discuss. I realise that MovieChat is a small volunteer effort, but if the historical racist threads and post could be removed, it would be a service. Yes, but Bruce Lee used oriental martial arts which use the opponent's strength against him. Theron was just thumping people. And throwing heavy guys about. I am all for female empowerment, but it just was not realistic. OK, 5 years late but... blaircam is referring to the strikers in the archive footage taken at the time. Not the interviews taken at the same time as the film was made! Stunning performance by Michelle Williams in Fosse/Verdon. The whole production is fantastic and she is brilliant. She played Glinda in Oz the Great and Powerful, which was difficult because it's harder to play a wholely good character. I take on board what General_Ackbar and bicuhang have said. But, Hawkeye and Black Widow jar in the final battle scene, particularly Black Widow. Really? She can hold her own against monstrous aliens? The fact she, and to a lesser extent, Hawkeye, don't have powers really stands out and looks a little ridiculous.