MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

Both are black, which was not the case in comic books. The show is very heavy on identity politics, that is quite clear. Kang was, they only created 'He Who Remains', I think elites have reached a consensus, so you just have to accept this. Even republicans are embracing it, their only complaint is affirmative action and over representation. Right!? It is kind of ridiculous! That has to be the Disney shills, who else does that? "There is a great disturbance in the force." "I have felt it." Of course they know. If we follow Lucas's vision about the force. I highly doubt that. A planet does not have alternatives to flammable stones is a planet with non stopping fire. Like I said it has to be, woods can be nailed together as the frames. If people could use no flammable alternative they would have. They kind of have to be men, neither 'He Who Remains' or Kang are the names of women. We use it when we have to, when we don't we use bricks. I already told you not to give me the "I criticised it first" crap, I think you posted it just for this. Anyway, I have no interests in having discussions with shills. You see your narratives are even all the same, writing from the same script maybe, that is another sign. You are clearly not a star wars fan if you like this, and I can't imagine anyone could be a fan of this, yet you kept encouraging people to watch it and discuss with you. I can't imagine anyone does that other than those employed by Disney. You just could not help it when you made the "the low ratings is due to homophobia" post, I already suspected you when you did that. Yeah, that is why Jedi made a big deal of Anakin, totally because that was a common thing. They also said Darth Plagueis was so exceptional because he could influence midi-chlorians to create life. Apparently that was also quite a pedestrian ability. Now I seriously question whether you are working for Disney, on a mission to downplay the controversy. Don't give me that I criticised it first crap, because you were criticising the wrong things, distracting the criticism from the real controversial aspects of the show. The problem was the stone on fire. So you are not upset at all of the birth of the twin girls through force creation? <blockquote>fans upset that there is a group in the galaxy that call the force by a different name and have a different view on how it works.</blockquote> Nobody upset about that, you are basically controlling the narrative. PR department I am guessing? People were upset about the immaculate conception, Anakin was supposed to be the first case. Yeah, they use flammable stones to build houses, totally not brain dead. I did not even realise it. But to think of it, the line "Why do I sense we have picked up another pathetic life form?" from Obi-Wan was quite disrespectful and offensive. I wouldn't say "racist", but more of arrogance towards more primitive or less advanced cultures. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are definitely not the sort of people creating peace through mutual respect. <blockquote>Like whole line of Aaron Taylor-Johnson evil girlfriend. And that stupid fight she had with Gosling. Should have stayed on the cutting flour. It's like they hired Teresa Palmer and then had to give her something to do.</blockquote> I think it is more like he went the apartment, they wanted to add something there, even it doesn't mean anything, and totally irrelevant. The movie focusing setting up Gosling, and getting the phone, but there were a lot of witnesses of the death, that girlfriend among them, why weren't they dealt with? How would they be able to guarantee the goons they hired won't spell the beans or blackmail them later? A lot of things won't work if thinking too much about it. What you are talking about here is growth acceleration, because otherwise it takes 40 years to grow a person like that. Also few months are not enough for a person to learn enough to be independent, even to speak, let alone to impersonate someone else, so unless there is memory implant technology available, that just won't work. Neither of the technologies is available as yet, so that is not possible, speaking strictly as an engineer, and a nerd of course. What is wrong with Prince Harry and Meghan? They are not going to be very happy to hear that. Aren't they popular enough to be picked on?