artguylarry's Replies

That was so eloquently spoken. Thank you for being here. Well said dlancer. After listening to the right wingnuts bitch about Obama for eight years, the double standards are unbelievable. And WE are the snowflakes? And just FYI Bosdog, as the OP, I was not even referring to his skin color, natural nor sprayed on. Ridiculing a man for his color was YOUR job for eight years. I was referring to the fifty shades of red he was turning as he was being publicly (and rightfully) exposed for being the kicking screaming child he truly is. But he doesn't need us pointing out his atrocities. He is doing that perfectly well on his own, and I for one would love to hand him as much rope as he needs. As the entire video clearly shows, he is finally starting to unravel. We couldn't have hoped for a better display. I want more. @ProductionNow: Well for the record, I am not young, nor new-age. I am almost as old as he is, I'm white, I'm male, and I am fucking embarrassed. Embarrassed daily, (on many occasions multiple times) by the infantile babble that comes out of his mouth. We are not standing in the way of ANYTHING. If you were to ask him right now, he would tell you that he is already DOING his "official job", and I am sure he would boast that he is doing it well. Yet look around. How much of anything he has done has not made a mockery of this country? And what is better about our country from anything that has taken place since he has been in office? Not a damn thing. He struts around with a golf club in one hand and his dick in the other, leaving nothing but chaos and steaming piles of stupidity in his wake. I keep waiting for someone to step up and do the "right thing". This whole administration is a comedian's wet dream. And Pence looked like he had just taken a bong hit. And now Annie can't afford to get her divorce. If ever she gets a husband. Although to be fair, the people of the town didn't know he was going to kill himself. They only knew he was in trouble, so they came together to help the man who always helped them. But that was still funny. I thought that too. Some even think he was dead already after the fall out the window. Until season 7, I thought Blanche dressed the best. Something about Dorothy changed in Season 7. She wasn't as homely. I thought season 7 was Dorothy's best hair season and her best wardrobe season. You're probably right. I was 10 years old in 1977 and lived for Star Wars back then. It's tough to single out an episode, but I have a few favorites. One I particularly loved was "Mixed Doubles" where Daphne dates the perfect clone of Niles. Another was "Daphne's Room" where Frasier repeatedly gets caught snooping around Daphne's bedroom. Other favorites were "Flour Child" and "Perspectives on Christmas." This was one of my favorite series, though I have to say I never cared much for it once Niles finally managed to woo Daphne. One of the funniest things about the show up to that point was the comical pining he had for Daphne and how he never managed to get the girl. Really? I thought it was the assholes who comb the threads trying to make people feel stupid about their posts. In this case, "childhood ruined" should indicate that I am only familiar with the characters as I knew them from CHILDHOOD. If I was a basement trolling virgin, I would be among those who know everything about this crap. I sure as hell don't. What's your opinion (if you have one) on the comic book character? Because that's what THIS thread is about. I'm sure there's an anti-vax thread somewhere. I'm sure you can find it. My apologies. I deluded myself in thinking I could form an opinion on a film. My mistake. That's what I thought these boards were for. And I guess I never realized I was claiming to be an expert. Just a viewer with an opinion. Thank god you were here to set me straight. You're a hemorrhoid. Go crawl up someone else's ass. I'm bored with you. LOL all you want smart ass. Not that I'm clever FOR it. Just an idea to make the movie more clever by comparison to the crap movie it already is, is my point. This was not a good movie, but it could have been a little better as a continuation of something better that would have set it up. I didn't sit down to write fanfic. I spent as much time thinking it out as I did typing it. Is it so bad for a two minute idea? Don't be a troll. If you don't like what I say, click the back button and bother someone else. Is this conversation really happening? Or am I high and just imagining stupid shit right now? I agree. But I'm also quite impressed by the level of his commitment to this role. Learning ventriloquism cannot be easy, but he learned it himself to give authenticity to his role. It just goes to show what went into the making of a movie that far back. Anymore, Hollywood takes the easy way out on anything. In today's movies, Fats would be a voice over, and more likely a supernatural entity. There's nothing genius about that. Hopkins made this movie the tragic masterpiece that it is. I can see that, but it also depends on the viewer. That damn thing created an irrational fear that followed me into adulthood. I only just watched Magic a few days ago. And while it conquered my fear, it was still very unnerving. But just in a good way, given my love of older horror films. I'm glad I got around to watching it. Well, in spite of my "nope," I decided to watch this shortly after that. As many have stated in the past, the movie turns out to be very different from what we are led to expect from the TV spot. I liked the movie fairly well as it is very well written and acted. But I was underwhelmed by the level of horror I expected to find. That only leads me to question why there was such a need to make the TV spot so horrifying in the first place. I would think it would over hype the movie leading the viewer to disappointment. The trailer that aired after the original was pulled was a more accurate preview to the film. In IMAX. I agree there. There was so much unnecessary stuff that could've been left out. And the revelation WAS disappointing, except for the fact that it left Ginny completely insane and holding the knife, which actually makes the FILM'S ending quite tragic, regardless of who the murderer was. Hmm. On the surface, there seems to be a LOT of buzz about this, admittedly. So what amazes me is that amid ALL the buzz, the number of people and sites that want to speak this into reality have had so much to say about it. That is, except FOR CBS All Access and IMDb. And with a project slated for 2019 (which we are six weeks away from), IMDb almost always has something listed this close to its possible release. Don't get me wrong. I'm hoping FOR it. I'm just saying, I'll believe it when it happens. So far, 100% of what I have found online came from sources I have NEVER heard of. IMDb and CBS are the FIRST wide sources I would expect to see info on. And right now, there's nothing. For a project with a 2019 date, there is no buzz about actors chosen, shooting locations, production updates, no teasers, nothing. This kind of project is epic in scale (and far too big to remain completely under wraps). This is probably not even something that can be shot, let alone completed in a year's time, especially since production hasn't even started - and we are 6 weeks from 2019.