ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Late 70's/early 80's kid here... I dont disagree Sandman3 I didnt have video games ( i had a bike, a football,a BB gun etc...) We were outdoors unless we were sleeping or doing demands and homework for kids has gotten pretty heavy duty 30 years on... I DO like that modern devices help with homework/research project assignments and corresponding with the teachers though... Kinda hard to say which is better...good post tho! Thx :) Wow! Thats a really nice personal story...thx for sharing and MUCH respect for caring enough to share your fond memories:) I liked it for the fighting and tragedy ( tho as a dumb young buck me and my pals reenacted much of it like fruity year old boys and all that! ) Thank you for sharing mplo...most gracious Great movie! Sorry...dont know those shows BUT she has talent and real beauty...she would have done fine either way i bet! Beautiful as always She has remained very sexy Fine wine! Ok I guess i took it as more silly/goofy/slapstick schtick But a fair response and respect your opinion Thx Absolutely:( He could live in the chalet next door to Polanski...another perv that got away with gross shenanigans and lives the high life This mega rich jerk will be fine in two years...and i bet plenty of decent enough folks will line up to buy tickets to his latest... We seem to have short memories... Lololol I suspect he might have enjoyed that:))) Certainly hope so because the last couple were very bad imo...this needs to be great! I dont really understand your sadism statement either...watched it with my Nan when i was really little...seemed pretty lighthearted and silly to me..? It IS a wonderful movie! They made me study it in middle school and i did so under protest (y'know...teen boys and dancing/musicals/'girly' stuff) and i came away with a long time appreciation for it Great stuff! My thoughts exactly!! Am i allowed to agree more than %100??? Flamethrower is best for home defense...give it a go Trust me! Yep, there and elsewhere;-) Good pal of mine died that way (cleaning his new pistol and didnt clear the chamber) Real shame...still miss him 20 years later Everything gets locked up...safest to keep ammo in a separate locker Always be safe! gonna give that a skip! Real talk!! Honest exchange...value for $$$ Some guys are just fucking idiots... His dick has cost him hundreds of millions...he should cut that little thing off! AND there she goes with half lol This guy is falling apart faster than dominoes...AND all for some blowjobs...what a figuring hes gonna pay abot $100 million for each of those fuck ups...pathetic really Taxi Driver... WOW!! So intense and creepy Good one Thats a great one T!! A relly good take on the source material .. loved it