ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Yup Pascal is dope...and Murphy was a crazy cowboy type ...missed him for sure Did you see Pascal in Game of Thrones? He was amazing! Chk it out!! Cool! They are worth owning. He is a legend Miss the guy honestly...nobody like him Kraven the Hunter for sure!! Except they would have to fix his stupid comic book death THAT was total bullshit and i have always had that on my mind for nearly 30 years now...totally lazy writing It is all silly fantasy Agreed Pretty damn good tho No:) But Pena was pretty cool tho! Good stuff Thx MX! No harm at all Miss Just the times we live in Me and my freinds would be in jail for the stupid teen stuff we glad im not a teenager these days Seems joyless IVE BEEN ALL-CAPPING IT ALL DAY YO!! NEW WAY OF LIFE I THINK IM GETTING DIVORCED...WIFE IS NOT A HUGE FAN...OH WELL... ALSO, BLAAAAARRRGGGGHHH IM ANGRY HIT ME UP DUDE Nice! Never thought of that angle...but the time frame doesnt really add up Anyway decent theory BonkerPickle (Heh nice handle gonna assume that means dick lololol Good work!) I have three bro in laws...cant stand any of them for more than an hour (holidays are a huge pain in the ass around here lol...) Pretty sure they all hate me too But id feel terrible killing any of them...i think WW felt the same way I loved the OT But Vader getting soft and going all good guy at the end always bothered me too Great villains like Vader or Freddy are too cool to waste on some redemptive arc nonsense all good points and I agree But its still cool that my favorite movies and stories are starting to include more people that are not very much like me (white straight catholic-ish middle class married father type...) I just like diversity in films cuz i live in New York and encounter tons of 'different' people everyday AND i would totally call a movie out for mixing up Asians...that shit is totally racist Oh pls see it!! I cant be the only living fan of this bitchin' movie!!! Amidst all of the cool swordplay and wizard villainy is a really beautiful love story..of all things! God this movie has it all! Theres even a pants shittingly gigantic snake! Lolol Like Hershals shotgun in Walking Dead Endless Ammo engaged!! Yeah thats a disgusting waste...i didnt see the show The idiots involved deserve jail time for sure Bullitt was awesome If you watch carefully that mustang loses like 14 hubcaps during the big chase sequence! Yeah hunting is great fun-most of it is dumb movies and cases of beer lol I only get outside to fish or hunt a handful of times each And yeah, we eat everything we kill I got it with bonus material on Amazon Prime streaming for 14 bucks Hope this helps... ALSO, YOUR ALL CAPS GAME IS TIGHT BRO YELL BACK AT ME LATER THIS IS HOW IM GONNA TALK FROM NOW ON... I WANT THESE MOTHERLOVING MARVELTARDS OFF MY MOTHERLOVING PLANE!!!