ShogunofYonkers's Replies

The dame entered a saloon Cannot be Paused Mortality Evidence 3,178 Kilograms The fella that cleans stinky cages Those Guys Expire in the AM Super Memorable Im stealing Laura Grace's theme idea... Lease Sink the Bismark😆... An Officer and a Gentleman Silent Movie Her Trailer looks great Heck of a list! Some boss movies right there Post your thoughts and ratings in StoneKeeper's weekend 'what did you watch' thread if you can Nice to see you K! I have the Stephen Dorff one (lololol Dorff...what a name!) I will watch that if you have it for sure Finished The Loved Ones...pretty good! Review incoming to your weekly thread I found 'Fox Trap' on Amazon Prime...its kind of cool, English/Agatha Christie/80's slasher...pretty enjoyable Ill do the Dorff one with you bro Dorff-Twins Activated💥✨⚡️ Yay me! Actually, its kind of a fun idea you had...pick a cool star and riddle his or her filmography I think i may try this later with my movie star crush! The Vault needed another pinch of Franco...he is great but underused here imo Im doing The Loved Ones now as per my list Pretty gnarly Aussie torture/teen romance so far...i was not expecting boobs 5 minutes in so that was a bonus;) Not bad so far! The Intern Oh... Knocked Up Funny one! Baby Mama? Tina Fey...