voltaire2121's Posts

Worthy of the praise. The ending made me smile. The West doesn't really have freedom of speech. Try to talk about... Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. Independence means WAR. China is free to do what they like to the Uighurs in the West. Could have done with a rape scene. Was she contractually obliged to do the Twilight movies? Does anyone else have issue with a talking Dragon with perfect diction? Brilliant for the first 3 seasons then fell off a cliff Je n'aime pas les noirs. Je ne le regarde pas. A damn shame she is a lesbian. Too much diversity in the town. There were blacks and Asians. Unlikeable, annoying and stupid protagonist China is unstoppable and America fears her. No diversity in this please. No blacks or Asians, please. Too much diversity in this, too many blacks. Why would anyone in their right mind associate with that violent fat f*ck??!? Too many blacks in this, couldn't get into it. Too much diversity.