Frogarama's Replies

Might also be a hidden reference to 80s show Blossom.... she had a character named Seven, loved that name. Favorite number too. Also Blossom is now huge from Big Bang Theory, she aka Miriyam Bialik is a legit scientist, the Stranger guys may be fans. Fox tried to do this to Ridley Scott with Prometheus too, but he fought for his vision and fans REALLY wanted the freedom of an R rating... and Fox eventually relented. Cameron can fight this too and he will.... and literally, seriously, he could use our help. R matey! Lol What the.... Seriously guys. It's AMPERSAND, come on! Forget Uncle Ben though, seriously... We just need a Marisa Tomei as Aunt May spinoff movie. Rated R. Racist is a racist word and I take offense at it! Ooh that might be the greatest comeback ever! It's axiomatic and cyclical, crazy... Want some Rice? I got lots. No. They are lucky ladies! Lol Just call me Gringo Suave My gift in exchange for that is to beg of you to please see Alita, its coming out soon and its one of the best sci fi movies ever, so beautiful and emotional and badass and hardcore AF 3d if possible it is THE best.... this is not paid promotion lol this is for you if you havent seen it yet. Its on streaming already Or Q! He would have rocked as Q actually damn And the worst dates can be commiserated this way. "Sorry about that movie.... how about I make it up to you?" Id love to see that simply to watch the whining, it would be worth it. Too bad Stephen Hawking is gone, he was a good actor, considering! I adore the entire climactic battle and ending. It all seemed very potent and the action/fx are stunning. If what leads to that is on par with the ending, I'll probably cry. I'll get the 3d BD. You convinced me! Excellent topic, so good I want to tag it and come back when I have an answer worthy of it! Hmmm I prefer my date to sit down upon me. Mm hmm. I have a new shirt slogan from last week: Its better to regret the scars Than regret the fears mic drop Yes they are indeed fun to piss off... or maybe even piss on Lol! Oh and I have no blog, I mean this abandoned Moviechat Blog we have a link to up top. I have emailed Jim before, and seen an immediate result without him even responding other than knowing I will see the change. I mean this literally: Less than a 30 minute turnaround and it was not a small deal. I believe he will be open to more feedback or especially a contribution which could pan out into a.big enough deal to be worth trying! Im getting into self branding, cross promotion, marketing, networking, and seducing people with the power of mutual potential. Turns out Im a natural and my 2 week old results are barrelling FAST toward career level projects and funding and one day REAL money lol! I wanna include MC because I like to contribute to what I love. Its why I post! Oh and PS.... Yeah Solo wasnt great but I liked it well enough. Its way above average for that scifi pulp genre and style! I haven't seen Rogue One yet still other than a few scenes. Should I get the 3D blu ray? Well music is created so yes, it has a creator. Humans are created, we have creators, who are our predecessors. Successive generations created all we enjoy, including language and art and agriculture and tech and a reason to exist: So that we can become part of life and advancement if we wish and if we've got what it takes! With these great powers come great responsibilities! I like that too, and actually as a design guy, it brings shabby chic to my mind, which is a nifty turn of phrase. So nifty it makes me say nifty because hey, that's what this topic is all about!