Frogarama's Replies

Electrical tape is really quite amazing, so many things it can do. Like, it'll tape something to a painted car surface or glass for as long as you want, and when you pull it off, 100% of the adhesive comes. Comes off like a weak magnet, great stick with zero slide yet it releases straight up effortlessly. It'll stick back just as well as long as you're not like getting dust and dirt on the sticky side. Its not slightly magnetic either. Far from it. Plus it feels so neat. Yeah but thats the numerical equivalent if literally, I can't ehhh.... How about 99.9999999%? I was still dressed from work, but casual Friday, BUT we are expected to look nice. Long sleeves, long pants (jeans is the main idea overall actually), and sneakers if you want but they need to be worth wearing. So I probably looked preppy, I probably looked out of place, maybe she assumed I was there buying weed on the DL.... See this is so funny too.... This is not a stretch even after legalizing because her cousin she came to pick up, he just opened a small dispensary with a buddy, AND it was past closing hours of all nearby shops including her cousin's... so maybe I needed street bud like the old days LOL Anyway, she knew everyone but me, and she may not actually know the house is the oldest of maybe 3 properties owned by a Lockheed engineer with military project classification. Yes I'm also gonna pitch him an investment eventually, probably just ask at min for $10k for patent attorney funding. That would be nothing for him. I think that's what happens at the 76 down the street. Is that the same gas station chain you're describing? Oh and one thing that makes my story there more clear: We were hanging out in the garage late at night, and she came in through the garage door, so in context, you can see how she might be tempted to assume what she did. I don't blame her, I loved the entire encounter! She's great, too. Yeah it's easily one of the top SNL skits of all time. I remember seeing it the night it was aired, I just cracked up laughing. And I wrote out a slightly related story of a black girl I met above, a cousin of a guy I was hanging out with, she was doing the hood routine to me because I was the only white guy there in a "not very white" neighborhood (very nicely mixed, all races really), and to an out-of-towner it might look like the wrong neighborhood to get lost, but it was funny to me because it's literally a really wealthy area. It just doesn't look it at first glance because the houses are mostly older and smaller, but still not cheap because of the property values there and how long the lots have been occupied. Nice houses, exquisite interiors, just compact and maybe like an average of 30 years old each, something like that. It's not my neighborhood and she knew that, but I guess she assumed I might assume she would be "hood." She dropped the facade right away when it didn't fly, though lol =D Yeah I chuckle at that one when it's trying to catch up and the item's already there. I think the local Ralph's disabled the recorded voice prompts because they were slowing down the process. I think it's quiet now other than the scanner beep. It's gotta be franchise-specific, but I used to live by one gas station where the pumps would just start screeching immediately at every step, like 1. remove card quickly, 2. enter PIN number or zip code or etc, 3. choose gas type, 4. get that pump now!!!!, 5. ITS DONE yeah I know you were watching but BEEP BEEP BEEP, 6. Receipt Yes/No I don't think that's an exaggeration. It feels right. I hate the damned impatient gas pumps set to do that shrill beeping prompt with zero delay! I'll bury this heart in San Francisco This skit is AWESOME and hilarious.... I have a feeling you and I turn out like this guy (and I am indeed a farmland raised midwest boy), except we don't have the turnoff at the end. Enjoy! Oh and don't get the wrong idea, I wasnt playing or ploying. She response to her first, and that forced nasty behavior is all too perfect a match for my tastes. I liked her, and still do. Been meaning to inquire again. Yes agreed colored women in general, mmmm.... they are most of the female population, too. Black is very nice, always, and black girls love me too. Like hanging out in a largely black neighborhood, smoking weed and playing GTA probably, my friend's female cousin comes through, expecting that I'll be background material like most normal looking white dudes, and she's putting on her normal "hood rat mannerism even though we both know this is actually a wealthy and very mixed neighborhood" act... but I hit on her right away and she loved it, responded like I'd suddenly hulked out into Dwayne Johnson. If she'd had time, she would have come home with me 100% This one has haunted me since the news first broke the day it went down, live updates and all for the last 20 minutes. Spiritually and emotionally traumatizing. Lastly, the title: Rise of Skywalker. What brought about the rise of the Skywalkers? Palpatine aka Sidious. Plus Plagueis, but he's history but if he showed up and killed Palpatine, ooooweeee! I would be a geek in that seat. Your worst nightmare and your future fantasy fodder. Maybe she was telling him off! Basically "Hey Steve, go suck a fat .....!" Lol I dont care how classic this is.... I still cringe. "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow" Hoisted on my own petard.... You've won this round, chilone! Maybe not lucky next time, I know your angle now!