ItalianBuju's Replies

It was comic relief about the long running joke that black people generally think white characters in horror movies are stupid for sticking around when they should have gotten the hell out. I agree. It was literally just an hour and a half of people making stupid mistakes 🤦🏻‍♀️ I am Gen X and love it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was worried we were gonna go an entire episode without seeing a penis until that scene 😂😑 If that is what you think this movie is about, you are clearly too stupid to watch movies. Maybe take up colouring or something. That is true. I just watched this for the first time in about 20 years and it was even better than I remembered it. I think so 🤦🏻‍♀️ They have nothing else to take their straight white male rage out on 😂 That was a really intense episode. And we went an entire episode without seeing a single penis! The best part to episode one to me was the whole hot sauce thing because I just love that Will is making them do ridiculous things. I really suggest you try episode 3 before giving up. 3&4 are the best in the group, but 3 is really really funny. Yes! That hot sauce thing was so funny! I love how Will just makes them all do ridiculous stuff like that. The ‘ugly walk’ scene in episode 3 is probably what got me the most! It seems like your tiny brain can’t handle movies anymore so maybe you should just give up now. I checked there daily and while more and more actors were added each day, at the time I finally posted this, he still wasn’t on the list. Not sure if he has since been added. I spent the whole movie asking the same thing. Even before she found the girl. As soon as Lucy was dead I would have been calling people! I must have missed that, thank you! Agreed. Hunter to Debbie: I thought you were the social worker Debbie: I am the fucking social director I have been watching him since his All My Children days and he has really come a long way. Like others on this thread, I would agree that Fruitvalle Station his is best role. Just Mercy was pretty amazing too. Chat room is an interesting way to put it but I think you mean more like message boards and comment sections. They are a small but loud minority and don’t have much happening for them in the real world so they use this to take out their frustrations…as time goes on, there will be less and less of them. Like most things, they get loudest when they are starting to die out. I find it humorous that all the white people think he is a girl but the black folks immediately can tell he is a boy 😂 Is this to me? I didn’t want him to get caught. I was hoping him and Harrison would end up in LA like they planned!