ItalianBuju's Replies

I just finished the movie and am sad about how it ended. I liked it but not as much as the first season. I just finished season two. What did you think? I think she is gorgeous, and I don’t even like blondes typically It happened 11 years ago and was out then and he has worked plenty. 😂😂😂 Watching you get all worked up over it is entertaining though 🤷🏻‍♀️ Gone Girl Clara’s Heart American Horror Story Freak Show Everyone died. Everyone. The two of them and the person that did it to the. They were naked cuz they were sewed together at the abdomen. It was…different… Not terrible. Original. But nothing amazing either. The end was disturbing. It just has to do with KNOWING who you are. It has nothing to do with interests. Any gender can have any interest. It has to do with your own identity. It’s innate. Kinda like how people generally flock to others like them. You don’t always know what attracts you, but you know that is who you are attracted to. You also live in your head. That is where your brain is. Or where it should be, anyway. Every thought you have, about gender or literally anything else, is in your head 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like you are trolling now because you cannot seriously not understand that. Right? Like you understand thinking comes from your brain? 😐 And trans people, despite being raised as one sex, know that isnt correct. Is this a reading comprehension problem? Because I am not able to help you with that. I would suggest reading the book, but that won’t help you if you can’t understand it. So if you woke up tomorrow with a vagina you would no longer believe you were male? There isn’t anything in your brain that helps you identify who you are? Are you a robot? If you had a vagina instead of a penis, then it would not match. It’s really not that hard to grasp. Nobody chooses it. The point, which you have seemed to have missed, is that even though he was in a female body, he knew he was male. That is literally the exact same thing as a trans person. Do you not know if you are male or female. 🧐 Birth defects and mental illness are two very different things. There is a book called ‘as nature made him’. It is the true story of a guy named David, who, in the 1960’s had his penis essentially burned off during a botched foreskin removal. The doctor convinced his parents to give him sex reassignment surgery as an infant and raise him as a girl to remedy the problem. But he grew up his entire life knowing that he was not a girl and when he found out the truth, it ultimately drove him to suicide. So, no matter what body you have or how people raise you, you know who you are inside. If he knew in his mind he was a boy, even though he now physically had girl parts and was being given girl hormones, it makes sense that others would know too. The only one I have seen of those is Scream and I loved it! What are the first 6? So in other words, you didn’t watch the movie 🤦🏻‍♀️ Thanks for coming out I didn’t care much for it.