ItalianBuju's Replies

You say that as though there are not interracial couples everywhere in real life. What difference does it make? I am watching it for the first time now. I love the story and the cast. I feel like season two was way better than one. I am into season three now. Anyone would have wondered what the hell was going on. I have never heard of it until now but just added it to my list to watch. Thanks! It's stand up lol I was also put off that they didnt all just have to find the same item, that would have made much more sense. I didnt notice anything with the platforms though I did see someone mention it on Facebook. Now we know that production would have to enter the house at least a few times a week. If not, how would they set things up, place clues, bring in groceries etc. As long as they dont make direct contact, I dont see the issue. Well, hopefully you are back on your meds by now...... Wanda Sykes is my favourite. To each their own I guess. I knew her from Masters Of Sex, she was great in that. But last year she blew the socks off me in Castle Rock, playing a young Annie Wilkes! This is exactly where the confusion comes in. A lot of white people see pro black movements has anti white because pro white movements have always been anti black. Oh CGM would have been perfect for that role! She was so young when the show ended that they really could have cast anyone as her. I am guessing racists are rushing over to vote a 1 on something they have never seen just to be petty because they have convinced themselves that they are not racists but anything pro Black is...... White people are not oppressed. You have to look at it differently. They are not practicing racism, they are giving opportunities to people that have not been able to get them for a long time. If nobody ever gives them a chance, how will they ever be able to gain the experience to be hired based on that? Literally forever BIPOC were not given equal opportunities, so what is wrong with having a 'predominantly' black team? It did not say exclusively black. And even if it did, a lot of times, different ethnic groups had to make their own groups and clubs, because, quite frankly, they were not welcome into ours. What, exactly, is anti white about wanting equality and representation? I love seeing someone else with education on these boards! Kudos! The only reason white people feel that pro black movements are anti white is because 'pro white' movements have always been anti black. They tried, did you even watch the movie lol