TheMan18's Replies

Its alright, she's home and fine. :) Believe so. No, she will be home in 20 mins. Incidentally, I kind of got the impression from this film that there are no truly "good" and "bad" people, and all of the stuff, injustices, double standards, legal flaws etc that he speaks about or speaks against, have existed and still exist in all places of the world and applies nearly to all of us as human beings, and not merely in simple "you are good so don't worry" vs "you are horrible so you need to be punished and ashamed of yourselves" either. Those people who attacked them were even more crazy and demented than those folks from "Breakdown" (1997) who kidnapped Kurt Russell's wife, come to think of it, I wouldn't have been one bit surprised if M.C. Gainey appeared in the gang with them and he could've also put some crazy lines like "Shut up!" whilst appearing with a shot gun. And of course "Thundercrack!" (1975). Do you think the reason the perpetrator at the end was crying was that he actually felt bad about doing something so terrible and hurtful to another human being or was it because he was somehow worried that he will later get caught and punished for it? OK, but what I mean is, if we got rid of murderers, sex offenders, scammers, assholes and bloody bastards of all the world, would they still resurface, I mean, is that kind of evil more in the genes of human nature, making it not just a case of simple good vs evil battles like some of us like to imagine? I will open one big secret to you all, I, and I am a 31 year old male in case anyone is interested, have managed to get told off, complained about etc for stuff far less than a lot of bad people, mostly men of course, have done and get away with and with nary an upset bit of conscience on their behalf. I also cannot even IMAGINE being ignorant and say blaming the victim of anything and keep a straight face and a normal mind in the process. Does that mean that I was simply better raised than some people or is there no explanation on why some people are better than others etc? Sometimes I do, but it goes with saying that out of the 8 billion plus people on the planet, there are plenty of those without redeeming qualities either. Haha. Sounds like some weird tough chick. :) Who the hell is Antifa anyway? But how will Antifa plan to do all that? Well, it seems that evil is too much into most of our nature to just be wiped out then, correct? With all of that being said, I do agree of course that just because a violent criminal doesn't get killed or justifiably punished in any way, it does NOT mean they didn't do something wrong and awful. So if I don't kill someone who has hurt or wronged me in any way, doesn't mean I think what they did to me was trivial. By we I mean, well, the police, maybe us the civilized people, the victims of those horrible acts that wronged them etc? Like, we can track down all known sex offenders, murderers, violent thugs, prejudiced people etc and go "Death Wish", "Taxi Driver" or "I Spit on Your Grave" on them, I mean if those scenarios work well in movies, and some of them like Taxi Driver are acclaimed classics to boot, why not in real life? What is the main problem with me then? (I give up.) Funny how, I recently got into a disagreement with one user on a previous thread who thought I talked way too much about rape in movies and even mentioned one particular aspect of it that was a little unusual in terms of me discovering thoughts of some men and I intended no offense whatsoever, I was just commenting on existence of double standards and different thoughts in our humanity including the mere fact that they exist. I hope I wasn't being too offensive. Most of my posting history just deals with violent films with controversial themes in them in general, and I had just about as much posting history in films featuring murder as I did in that theme, so I'm not "especially fixated" on anything, besides I just haven't even been around here that long and with enough time, I'll post about something else. The main problem with me is is that I don't have ALL the answers to ALL of our world's troubles and I know sadly though full well that we can't cure them by action movie methods alone. And I don't sympathize with any offenders either.