susannah101's Replies

Why is there nothing on this site about the film to the bone? Lily plays an anorexic dealing with anorexia? Thanks for replying nyctc! Sorry, I don't understand, is she still around? I really liked her.! Ha ha, very funny taylorje!! Don't know if you are still out there, being 10 years later and all, but I needed that laugh!! WTH are you talking about!!?? Haha! Telegram It's like an older version of sending an email. Well, that's what we called it in Australia anyway. Telex You really fucking like that word!! Yes, I couldn't agree more!! Okay, I still have 2 episodes to watch. Hopefully, the 2nd half will be better!! Thanks, Joe I appreciate the response and the link. Thanks ThetaSigma, I couldn't agree more!! I just don't understand the nasty name calling either! If you don't like her singing that's fine just say so, but people should leave the other comments out! It's so cruel. Thank you for speaking up Theta. Haha very funny! That's telling him. I haven't laughed that hard in a while!! She should be trying to raise money for Halyna's son! I couldn't agree more. Couldn't they have skipped it this year? So disrespectful to Halyna's family. To say I am disgusted is an understatement! Haha, very funny! That's my excuse too! Well said!! Yes I think so, it's heartbreaking!!