Ant1238's Replies

So which sites share your obviously correct, objective opinion? Hahaha, if it was an OBJECTIVE 4 or 5 out of ten, then wouldn't that be its rating? Yet, hm, it seems to be an 8.1 at the moment. Look up the word objective, idiot. Sorry if my language offends you; I guess "dainty" is a pretty apt name for ya. Wow, you are a complete idiot. "Oddly comedic"'s a fucking dark comedy, buffoon. And it wasn't ever supposed to be based on a true story. It is all fiction. Brilliant. Billy was put in jail for helping dispose of the body. Mare gets off the phone at one point and tells someone that he'll be paroled next June. Doubtful Mare nor Billy would be interested in an attempted murder charge. Likely he would get the same deal Billy got now, and do a year or so in jail. I’m more curious to how long Ryan stays in juvenile. Just trying to figure out what MSM is Methylsulfonylmethane? Woah, what was all that? Deleted now Who hasn't had a sexy sewer orgy at that age? Prude. Erm, no thanks. Pedophilia is adults having sex with children. Teenagers have sex with each other in every teen comedy and horror movie, ever. If you're the one feeling weird about it, you may be the one with the problem. What? You didn't answer my question at all. You're saying that because someone is a woman, you should have to have sex/marry one. But no. If you don't want to marry a trans woman, you fucking clearly don't have to. Just like no one is forcing me to marry an obese woman. What part is propaganda? Again--King is not a billionaire. You're sad that he has half a billion instead of a billion? He'll be fine pal, cheer up! :) King is not a billionaire. By that logic, would I have to have sex with/marry an obese woman? She's clearly a woman, just not for me. Ha, how is children fucking each other "pedo shit"? If that were the case, literally any book/show/movie with anyone under 18 having sex would be "pedo shit." You can pretty much say goodbye to any teen comedy ever. That's why she goes out to the dock in the end--to retrieve "her" medal. Why would she go out there to get the metal from her shoes? Ha. I don't think this is correct--I just watched, and near the end, she asks her mother what happened to the medal, and she says she dropped it in the lake. She definitely meant the medal that she took from the boy she murdered, not the metal from her shoes. So what makes a person qualified to talk about politics? Clooney seems a lot more intelligent than most politicians I hear talking.