Lily1357's Replies

Good point. I've yet to watch the original. I need to get on that. Isn't that what the Nazis thought they were doing? He brought that on himself. Who kills their own son? Definitely not a movie for small children. Why hard to believe? (I think it was implied that's what happened, but i also wouldn't be surprised if we find out in the next movie that some survived) I'm rooting for the non-aggressors, be they human or ape. (Well... Technically humans ARE apes, but whatever.) No, I did not. I'm just glad he didn't shoot Caesar before he turned the gun on himself. I read an article that said she's definitely not meant to be the same person. Maybe the future Nova was named after her? Bump... This aspect of the film still bugs me. Ideas, anyone? Johnny Depp scene was too campy but there's four more movies left, so plenty of time to get the act together and perhaps leave many people happily surprised. I hope Graves somehow survives because Colin Farrel was just perfect in this movie. Yes she's so badass, I was really impressed! I would assume at dawn too. I found most of the movie uncomfortable, alternating between 2 different states of discomfort for me: - The scary scenes were, well, scary. And I scare easily, so for a lot of the film I had my hands over my eyes, adrenaline racing. -The non-scary scenes were uncomfortable because they reminded me of American slavery , and also made me consider the more subtle forms of racism that still exist today. (This is scary too, of in a qualitatively different way) I would totally re-watch it if my nervous system would not throw such a hissy fit... I'm enjoying reading people's ideas about this! I guess I have a follow up question then... Why did the hypnosis have to be SCARY??? I would think it would be much easier to control someone's mind if you put them in a state of perceived bliss, sort of luring them to agree with all your suggestions... If the mom was a sadist, then sure, it makes sense... But I don't think she is. Does she lack a conscience? Yes. But does that mean she enjoys causing pain just for the sake of it?? I really didn't get that impression... (Other than the hypnosis scenes) What gave it away? Heh I think there were just like 2 posts that could be construed that way ☺️ I don't need forgiveness but I could see why it may have sounded like that. Perhaps I am the type of person this movie is making fun of, although obviously I'd like to think not. What clued you in? I had no idea until he found the photos So what did you think of it? Yes it's racist because they feel they have a right to steal black people for their own use. They see themselves as mentally superior . No, I don't find it biased against white people. I'm white. It did remind me of what some of my own ancestors did pre-Civil war because what they did was no less horrifying than what went on in this film... So I do find that disturbing. That's not the movie's fault though. The movie disturbs me because there is a ring of truth to it... That's what some movies are meant to do though. It is also commenting on the world today, not just that of my ancestors... I have my own biases that I grapple with, and I like movies like this that force me to address those prejudices that I wish I didn't have.