TearofLys's Replies

Well, I think that was one of the plot points - he was supposed to be a person no one sympathized with or cared about (except Deadpool) Who goes to IMDB anymore? Hannibal talked about that emmy nomination in his stand-up routine. . Equated it to being the last guy on the bench for a team that won a championship as none of his sketches never even made it to air. Burruss wasn't wrong to shine a spotlight on the things Cosby did, but it is inaccurate to imply that anything he did was emmy nominated. Are you going to come back here and admit you were wrong when it makes triple its budget just in domestic gross? Man. that endorsement sounds like it was written by the advertising department of a production company. Was a funny movie though Disagree. I think Cena has solid comedic acting chops and expect to see a lot more of him as this movie is going to be a hit. Decent, but not great films that never had broad enough appeal to become pop culture touchstones like Jaws, Radiers, Jurassic Park, or Saving Private Ryan. I would say Munich and Catch Me if You Can are downright forgettable. Minority Report was better in that it foreshadowed the police/surveillance state we all knew was coming. He is arguably the best director of all time, but like Oliver Stone, he seems to have lost his mojo. I don't think Spielberg has the pulse of the movie going public anymore. Sure, the academy strokes his knob because he is Steven Spielberg, but I don't think he will ever make another 'Jaws', or 'Saving Private Ryan' I don't think a lot of those reviews were genuine, but rather paid for by the huge advertising budget of this movie. That is all it has to offer - nostalgic pop culture references. The cons far outweigh that one pro. The characters were largely underdeveloped, making it hard for us to care, and this is particularly true for the secondary characters. Blowing up the trailer building was supposed to be an emotional moment of the moment, but I found myself not caring. Ditto for his big 'Braveheart' speech at the end. A movie going long is fine as long as it pulls you in, but this one didn't, so towards the end, was counting the minutes until it was finally over. It did have a lot of 80s pop culture references and some pretty cool CGI action sequences if you are into that sort of thing. Just the kind of eloquent pitch I would expect from a middle school dropout. and suggests there isn't very much mental horsepower between her ears. "but if you kill off too many primary characters you may lose some viewers investment in the story." That is pretty much what happened after season 4. It was perhaps the best season of the series, but Joffrey, The Hound, and Tywin, some of the most enigmatic characters in the series, all "died", and is part of the reason season 5 sucked so hard. Also might explain why they brought the Hound back. I am not so sure he was always pegged to return to the series, but after season 5, they needed some characters the fans wanted to watch. Mueller's investigation is a waste of time that will only sweep up Manafort (who is dirty) and some small fish. has to get someone, because can't spend that many millions and come away with nothing. Will it touch Trump? Absolutely not. Only those who are so blinded by partisanship they force themselves to be willfully ignorant of bald-faced facts would ever think this threatens Trump in the least. What? Just last season, John was farking his aunt, so not only are we still getting sex, we are still getting incest. Season before that, saw Ramsay Bolton getting all rapey with Sansa. Season 5, one of those sand snakes bared her (beautiful) tits.Obviously can't see Theon giving it to some wench anymore,but there is still at least one in-your-face sex/nudity scene every season. Maise Williams is over 18 now. Even money Arya gets nailed by Gendry before the final credits roll. Agree. Not a bad movie, but they basically just once again took the basic plotline from every other Marvel movie and applied it here. Only difference is the cast is almost entirely black. Gotta wonder when people will grow weary of pretty much watching the same movie over and over again. Main character is betrayed by someone close (brother (Loki), friend (Bucky), father (Ego), cousin (Killmonger) that is working as a part of a larger evil, and that someone comes perilously close to bringing about the end of the planet/universe. Hero bands together with others to defeat that larger evil (for the time being), and in most cases, that someone close gets some redemption, even if they die. Ego is the only one that perished without that. I think he is going to have to spend some time-out then will have a renaissance. What he did was widely known, it didn't become a problem until the press starting shining a spotlight on it. Had he actually raped someone, then it would be over, but it is my understanding, he made a pass, the kid declined, and Spacey let him leave. When the GF suggested we go see this, I honestly thought it was a biopic of Ladybird Johnson. Of course it wasn't excellent little indie film Saoirse acting was superb. Jack Reacher was a great movie. He was certainly miscast here. I feel a little bad for the guy. Hollywood seems to want to anoint this guy the next Denzel Washington, but there can only be one Denzel. He must feel tremendous pressure to live up to those unrealistic expectations.