GrowingFamily's Replies

Lucky for me, the Criterion Channel just began offering this movie. It’s a wonderful little vignette. Joel McCrea is sublime. I watch so many movies but I never even heard of this one. Please try and catch it if you can. Ever since Jungle Fever, where I first really noticed it, I always look for the shot. I guess it’s part of the story but it’s Spike’s special “thing”, like Hitchcock’s appearances in his films. Agreed. I noticed the similarities, too. I’m a big Ruth Negga fan, too. The previews made it seem like she was going to have a bigger part. I didn’t think this was a masterpiece, but I loved the visuals and I thought Brad Pitt was excellent. I like this film, too. It’s a bit campy in pats but it’s scary and fun. Good list. I think my favorite of your list is The Browning Version. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. I saw the movie this evening and the theater was full. I didn’t see many under 25 but I would say there were all ages at the showing. I just looked up QT and he is 56 so I guess he is a baby boomer himself. He may be targeting the film toward his contemporaries. I like what you wrote here. The small things are what make a good film. Plus, he’s always clever. Yes! The resemblance was amazing. Do you think they did something technical to make it so? I agree. She is a beauty. Lovely color, too Yes. I made butternut squash soup two days ago. It was delicious. Upside Sunny, thank you for such a thoughtful review. I agree with 100%. This is a surprisingly touching dark comedy and my favorite thing from Ricky Gervais since the office. I know what you mean about Netflix content, there are A LOT of action movies and not enough “normal” movies for my taste. Saying all that, Netflix has better original content. I have both but I’m pretty disappointed in Prime. May I ask, if anyone here would give their opinion about HULU? That is, truly, a remarkable list. A lot of great movies listed there! Same here. I just visited London. Shocking number of people on the underground were reading actual books and newspapers. Same here. I love reading but it's so easy to fall into the habit of checking my phone and then getting sucked into something on it. I read so much less than I used to. This is my favorite of Michael Moore's movies. It told the hard truth. I'm so sorry to hear you all lost your friend, Dewey. He was prolific and I've read many of his comments. He was always a gentleman on this board and I can't recall reading even one false note from him. That's a rare quality in this world. I'm not familiar with Dutch society during the Golden Age, what are some of the inaccuracies? I'm not sure if you decided to finish watching it but the artist part had a surprise to it. I agree for the most part; Spike has done some terrific work in the past few years. I loved it. I thought it was superb on many levels, writing, acting, directing, all well done. He did a little Brian DePalma split screen and saved his signature shot for the last scene. I'm not sure why this is rated so low on IMDb but I suspect some troll activity. 9.5/10