jasonmovieguy's Replies

Your Title sounds like a TV set (eg SONY 65 HDR 4K) Well the women HAD to be jealous on the show because in real life the men were all sleeping around. It was expected. Lucy was always jealous of Ricky, and the TV Ricky Ricardo was a faithful husband. But not in real life. Desi slept with so many women (and a man) that Lucy became immune to it. But I don't think I know any CEO TV/Film/Music head honcho who isn't going to get action on the side. It's a stressful business. Ricky Ricardo was a suave band singer, and Latin. In real life, Ricky Ricardo would have many girlfriends on the side - and then his bratty wife to go home to. I agree with you. What Hart said about beating his child was disgusting. I have been watching and blogging about the Oscars for years. Hart does not have any place to be hosting an event he knows NOTHING about. He's a homophobic jerk, not funny, and uses the "loud stereotypical" black man for his routine; similar to Tiffany Haddish. No more Eddie Murphy's or Monique's. Everything now is a simple stereotype. Back to the Oscars, please bring back hosts like Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg- you know- ACTORS who (like Goldberg) have WON Oscars? Many academy members are gay or support gay rights. As they should. Film in general supports all walks of life. I wonder what Mr. Hart thinks About Moonlight winning best Picture in 2016. Ya know- the GAY film featuring BLACK MEN together. That sorta just happened. You cannot host the Oscars and diss gay people. That's like hosting a Super Bowl Party but you know nothing about the game. Hart should do Roseanne and just leave the country. That doesn't answer my question at all. So far no one has. Oh well what can you expect on here? Oh God, not another Trumptard. Please refrain from responding to anymore of my posts. Your mother's basement shouldn't allow internet anyways. No one would be able to book that flight. They were all cancelled. Character development for CRUISE. Not Hoffman. As I stated earlier, yes Tom Cruise's character changes. And he should have been considered for an Oscar. Hoffman, on the other hand, stares off into space and repeats words a lot. That's a pretty gimmicky, one-note performance. Anyone could have done it. But because it was essentially Forrest Gump toned down a notch, voters went for it. This movie had potential to be so much more- but Ronald Bass took the easy way out. You mean SOCIAL JUSTICE WAR. Stop with the lazy abbreviation writing. It looks like you're talking about Sarah Jessica Parker. Weaver deserved the Oscar in Working Girl, but her loss can be explained- at least, to the best of my ability. One of the reasons she might have lost was because she split votes with her nominated co-star, Joan Cusack, who while a surprise Supporting Actress nominee- probably still stole votes from her in her hilariously brief screen time. Geena Davis was also a LEAD in The Accidental Tourist, and often more screen time is a big plus (ask Alicia Vikander's recent win for The Danish Girl; she's in EVERY frame, and won in the supporting category). Davis also had the luxury of being in the box-office hit Beetlejuice that same year, so voters were also familiar with her. And Accidental Tourist, like Working Girl, was also a Best Picture nominee. So even if it was "quieter" than Mike Nichols comic charmer, it was appreciated by voters- even winning the New York Film Critics award for Best Film of 1988. I also have to admit - Davis steals her film from everyone else. She's really the special glue that holds it together. And while Weaver was pitch perfect as Katharine Parker- she's gone for most of the movie. I wanted more of her character, but the bulk of the story revolves around Griffith and Ford closing a business deal. If it's any consolation, Weaver was able to win 2 Golden Globes that year- for Supporting Actress here, and for Lead Actress (Drama, shared with Foster and Shirley MacLaine) for Gorillas in the Mist. The difference? Trump is the President. Roseanne is an actress. Trump is a BILLIONAIRE. Roseanne has a couple million. Trump lives in the White House. Roseanne lives in Hollywood. They got rid of Harvey Weinstein, they can easily drop her. Politics protect you. This is why there is so much corruption now. Trump is wealthier than Oprah, and has so many lawyers they would need their own coach bus to follow him. He's not going anywhere. And I hate him. But I also am a realist. He's just here, at least until the Dems can possibly retake Congress- but that is iffy. A lot of people LOVE Trump. And they will line up in droves to vote for him again. In Hollywood, it doesn't work that way. You have studio executives with shareholders to worry about. And its just easier to drop someone. That's the way it is. Roseanne made a racist comment and showed her true colors. She deserved to have the show cancelled. That being said, on an artistic side - NO. The series doesn't work without her. She is literally the meat of the story. She also is the funniest. It's easy to pretend she isn't, to lie and say "Oh I only watched because of John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf", but in truth- nope. The original series was outstanding, and Roseanne was a riot. So were her costars, but again- she was the best in show. It would be like redoing I Love Lucy without Lucille Ball. Now, take a series like Orange is the New Black (Netflix). SPOILER- Piper is the original character at the beginning, but as the storylines progressed she now is just one of the girls. And frankly, not as memorable. So it could work without her. But Roseanne is ROSEANNE. Point blank. I have a feeling this will be the quote that gets him removed from office. Along with Roseanne's cancellation today, America has seen the Empire has no clothes! Vote in November! Vote for Women! Join me in Harlem, NY where I will be protesting in front of $2M homes and making sure we never sink this low again! VOTE In November! We Want Change! It has nothing to do with her politics. She called a black woman an ape. That's it- bye bye. Ugh you're disgusting. The fact that you're defending her racism (and his) means you need to be part of the team BUILDING the asylums. Moron. I agree 100%. This would have been a perfect movie had it not been for that character (and actor). Disgusting person. Unforgiving, boring, nerdy. She could do so much better. He had no social skills what soever. Every time I watch the movie I skip right past those scenes. You don't need them, in fact, for the movie to work. The filmmakers should have left him on the cutting room floor. I don't have a copy, but heres the whole text of what he says: "This is Ridley Scott. I directed this film. Don't you love Demi's tits? (Cough, cough---- silence until credits) Thank you!!!! This actually explains a LOT. Thank you for giving me the side of the story regarding Comic book movies. Wanting it to be silly and over the top with flashy colors makes sense. I guess Im too grounded in reality, but this will help me with future movies of this genre. Thanks Culburn! I try my best. Winger didn't have a body double. That's all Debby, as the publicists like to say.