cyguration's Posts

J-Lo really can't act... First Five Minutes Would Have Current Day Wokesters Livid No credit for Woody Harrelson? Converting Christian Women Into Homosexuality.... First Half Was Terrible, Second-Half Was Awesome; Iris Was Miscast Let's be honest, most average women would love to be Choi's slave... Why Was Wu Jing Depicted As Such A Beta Male In This? Anyone feel John Cena and his subplot was more engaging than the main story? Why Do Driving Movies Front-Load The Movie With The Best Chase Scene? A surrealistic prequel to Falling Down.... Quintessentially 90s But Extremely Prescient Started so strong but kind of petered out.... Fascinating film about the MPLA but it felt fractured... Actual espionage... Like The Man From Nowhere But Ramped Up To 11 The Dam Scene Alone Was Worth An 8/10 Keen breath of fresh air amid the woke trash.... Easily one of the most masculine movies made in recent times Looks really good... Frightening as a kid, but far more existential as an adult....