MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > Why the hell won't the whore Carrie slee...

Why the hell won't the whore Carrie sleep with Quinn?

Seriously? Carrie is a loose woman, and probably has STD with all the strange men she has intercourse with. She lays with every man she comes into contact with. She lays with men to manipulate them sexually. Unrealistic that a slutty woman wouldn't also hook up with Quinn.


Don't you know women man? Let me explain....,

Women never do things like this. Quinn wont get slept with because he already loves Carrie and he's let her know it. This is what women do. Its actually harder to explain now that I'm trying to explain it, LOL, but after a lifetime of studying bitches I understand them. Quinn should have never professed his love and desire for Carrie, that was a big *beep* up right there. doing something like that will guarantee that you wont get slept with EVEN IF she's already into you and was already planning to have sex with you. you NEVER EVER EVER let them know they have the upper hand. getting women in bed is like playing a game of chess and you HAVE GOT TO understand the chess board, otherwise you'll loose and not even know why.


Interesting theory. I wouldn't sleep with a guy who hasn't said he loved me. I'd also have to feel the same way and believe him.


They do love each other, they have a strange urge of saving each other's lives. So they will sleep together this season. But it have to be her decision, not his. And, he has to take a shower.


Interesting theory. I wouldn't sleep with a guy who hasn't said he loved me. I'd also have to feel the same way and believe him.

thats all fantasy in your head. this is what you want to believe, however, i'm sure its not true unless you are an exception to the rule. you might be, but i doubt it. im quite sure you have slept with guys who didnt give a *beep* one way or another, and the ones who really really wanted you got looked over. this is the rule. whether you like it or not, this is how things work with yall.


exactly. women say things like that to keep their "pedestalization" alive. to pretend they're arbiters of morality, goddesses that allow lowly human males to touch them every now and then. it's disney BS. watch what they do, ignore what they say. they're just filthy humans like everyone else


Plus, she was watching her kid.


Replicagl is spot on! Heed the advice.


Interesting... But do you really need to write "lol"?


Quinn's been with prostitutes and hasn't showered for weeks.

Frankly, if she had slept with with you know we'll be saying she took advantage of a disabled and mentally unstable man.


Exactly. He's not really in a place where can make decisions with a lucid mind.


sounds like every single man with an erection


As a woman I would not be turned on by someone who hasn't showered in months! As much as I hope they mutually work things out and maybe try a relationship, people seem to be unable to empathize with the female perspective here. Would you sleep with a homeless woman who's been turning tricks and smells awful? Quinn's the equivalent of that right now.



because he is disgusting ... he was unbearable also last season. I would not sleep with him either.
Plus him using this vulnerable moment of him and sleep with her is very low.


Astrid was better than Carrie anyway, he lowered his standards by chasing frumpy Carrie

The crime is life, the sentence is death!


interesting all these replies are excuses based on quinn's current situation. however whats the excuse for Carrie not sleeping with him when he was healthy and stable before he was gassed?


interesting all these replies are excuses based on quinn's current situation. however whats the excuse for Carrie not sleeping with him when he was healthy and stable before he was gassed?

Because homegirl is cray. Lol idk, I guess the only time they were ever in that situation was the end of season 4, and Quinn shipped off to Syria almost immediately. She was practically running after him rom com style.



Carrie isn't in love with him. That's why she doesn't sleep with him.

She feels some sense of conscience due to her and Saul authorizing the doctors to wake him up. Remember she is monitoring his care too.

It's not love, it's a sense of obligation due to her reckless actions.

For Quinn, its unrequited love. The writers really need to create a real love interest for Quinn if they keep him beyond this season.

The Carrie unrequited storyline is old and stale.

And I don't think she was running after him in Season 4 at all. I also didn't believe her character in Season 5 when she told Quinn that she looked for him for years. Why was she with Jonas then? She is not to be believed. Carrie ALWAYS gets her way with everything and she moved mountains to find Brody.

She could have found Quinn if she wanted to, but chose to start over in Germany.

It's fascinating to me how viewers 'read into' this storyline.


hahaha "love" hahaha. sexual desirability is all that matters. if it wasn't, tinder wouldnt exist


Because he's practically a vegetable until last ep and isn't a terrorist.

She did what she had to for her country. Brodie, the homeless bum, etc were potential terrorists.

Quinn might want to hatch a plan and get on the CIA's radar if he wants some.


>>Unrealistic that a slutty woman wouldn't also hook up with Quinn.

She did try but he fvcked off abroad. Now he wants her to fvck off. Difficult times in the Homeland camp.
