ajsullivan39's Replies

She doesn’t come on here, maybe put your ideas in an email, and send them to her? I think James is in the closet, that was a long kiss, he also made out with Harry Styles a few times, and he’s always obsessing over him. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, these websites are full of shit. It’s rare to see celebs who are nice behind closed doors. He could’ve banged them on the side without Vanessa or anyone knowing. Because they have no lives of their own, if they did have lives of their own, they wouldn't care about what Elliot does with his body as it's not their business. Ah... I get it now, that movie was a dumpster fire! 🙄 The OP is probably talking about Beyoncé. If you don’t like Ellen, why would you visit her board? Why thank god? Proof of this? I live in Australia, can you please elaborate more on this? What type of cultures believe that the system is after them? What’s “self-raping”? No they didn’t, I don’t know where you got your info from. Does it matter if he’s got black ancestry? Why did you have to be so graphic? Do you want Ellen’s throbbing cock up your arse? That’s not a good reason, I asked you why did you do it? Fathers do have rights to their kids, in regards to Dan and Roseanne - Her body, her choice. There's heaps of guys out there who impregnate their wives/girlfriends who abandon them shortly either before, or after the birth of their child and leave the new mother with no support whatsoever. Abortion is still a very controversial topic to discuss in this day, and age because you don't want to bring a child into a world where its going to be neglected, abused, unloved, etc. Dustin Diamond has a shit personality, he badmouthed the entire cast of Saved By The Bell in his book, he's been convicted for assault on a few occasions. They can always recast Screech. What’s wrong with pronouns?