rudeboymurray's Replies

3/10. Even as a kid I found it pretty lame compared to the first two movies. Of course, much worse was to come. Yes. Not as bad as the negative reviews would suggest, well-acted and with occasional strong scenes… but an overall forgettable and rather dour experience. 5/10. I love Linney as an actress but didn’t particularly care for Charlotte. I’m rather pleased she isn’t in the revival. I’m assuming we’ll learn what happened there/how far their relationship went. Same. The trailer is underwhelming; I have little to no hope that this will come close to recapturing the magic. But I’ll be watching, no question there. The show did go downhill but still had some great episodes in it - a couple of my favourites came from the final season, for example. There were too many missteps, admittedly, notably getting Niles and Daphne together much too early. But I still love the entire run, minus a handful of episodes that I cannot stomach. I’d give Parasite the slight edge but both are wonderful movies. Kore-eda is one of the greatest filmmakers currently working… in many filmographies Shoplifters would be a career-high, yet I’d only rank it fourth or fifth among his generally exceptional output. He’s the best director of child actors, bar none. It was exceptional, very moving and beautifully-acted. One of Loach’s strongest films and a fine Palme d’Or winner… but, I have to admit, I do feel it veered just a little too far into melodrama in the final scenes. That’s a minor complaint, though. Powerful stuff indeed. It seems that this isn’t happening… while I often tend to find Hollywood remakes of international hits pointless, I do feel that Nicholson and Wiig could potentially have brought something fresh to this, and it would have been great to see Jack in a swan-song role so apparently suited to his persona. The great Bernard Cribbins has passed since my last update… I wonder who will be the last Hitchcock actor standing? Veronica Cartwright would be my guess, but who knows… Keitel’s performance in Bad Lieutenant is as good as anything by those other actors, and he has given many wonderful performance over the years. A traditional Japanese inn in Nagano was truly magical, especially when a blizzard trapped us there for a day. My favourite of his films is The Emerald Forest with H&G every bit as good… but the two you named are great movies too. He had a fantastic run. I was hugely disappointed by Queen & Country, and saddened that it seems almost certain to be Boorman’s last film. It did receive some warm reviews here and there but I thought it was dull and not very engaging… and features a performance by Caleb Landry Jones that May be one of the worst of the last decade! Exceptional film, my favourite from Field so far, and Blanchett is on extraordinary form. It’s certainly not for everyone but I’d recommend watching it once, at least. I look forward to seeing it again, which I don’t find with many films these days. Very sad and genuinely shocking news… R.I.P. to a true icon. Connery could have been very good indeed. I hadn’t heard that he was the original choice… he would have been as well cast as Hammond as he would have been miscast as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings, for which he was also apparently an early contender. A good point about the clues given during those scenes. It’s open to interpretation but I don’t think he planned it. I do feel that he was still fighting his losing battle. He probably did realise that every time he said goodbye to Sophie could be for the last time. But Wells wisely and boldly leaves it up to us to interpret the ending. I also watched thus yesterday and agree with everything you say. A beautiful film that makes the viewer piece things together gradually - nothing is spelled out. Wonderful, natural performances by both leads. I will say that I didn’t find the brief ‘present day’ scenes to be necessary, but this is a fine movie, and a startlingly confident debut by Charlotte Wells. The very first one, ‘A Touch of Class’. It’s still mostly great, but the show was finding its footing. I’ve only seen a few… The Big Parade, The Crowd and Stella Dallas are the best of those I’ve seen.