rudeboymurray's Replies

1. The Silence of the Lambs 2. Taxi Driver 3. The Accused I suspect it's terribly non-PC to say so but that scene with the kids on crutches singing that mournful song was shot in a way that made it quite unnerving, even creepy. Up in the Air - 7 Juno - 6 Young Adult - 5 Thank You for Smoking - 4 Labor Day - 4 The Day the Earth Stood Still - 9 The Body Snatcher - 8 West Side Story - 8 The Haunting - 8 The Set-Up - 8 The Sound of Music - 7 Odds Against Tomorrow - 7 Executive Suite - 7 I Want to Live! - 7 Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 5 Run Silent Run Deep - 5 The Andromeda Strain - 4 The Curse of the Cat People - 4 My top ten JC films 1. Far from the Madding Crowd 2. McCabe & Mrs. Miller 3. Hamlet 4. Petulia 5. Don't Look Now 6. Away from Her 7. The Go-Between 8. Fahrenheit 451 9. Heat and Dust 10. Darling 1. House of Sand and Fog 2. Sexy Beast 3. Schindler's List 4. Gandhi 5. Searching for Bobby Fischer 1. The Remains of the Day 2. The Father 3. The Lion in Winter 4. Shadowlands 5. Titus A superb portrayal of an intelligent, cultured man gone mad. He is scarily believable. Pleasence was always a strong, compelling actor but I doubt he ever topped this performance. So much drinking going on in this film! Some of the exchanges when Grant refuses a drink from Yabba locals are hilarious. 1. The Deep End of the Ocean 2. The Age of Innocence 3. Married to the Mob 4. The Fabulous Baker Boys 5, Dangerous Liaisons Oh, yes. Rathbone is a brilliant Holmes. I always found it a little frustrating that Bruce’s Watson is a blithering idiot much of the time, but their chemistry is irresistible all the same. I see - Thank you for the thorough explanation! I preferred Keitel to Kingsley although neither was close to their best. If they had to nominate a supporting actor from Bugsy, Elliot Gould was more memorable in his small role. Keitel was more impressive the same year in Thelma & Louise - a nomination for that wouldn’t have been unworthy. Lame category overall that year. Laurence Fishburne (Boyz n the Hood), Rip Torn (Defending Your Life), John Goodman (Barton Fink) and Samuel L. Jackson (Jungle Fever) were much better than any of the actual nominees. Top five 1. Hamlet 2. Heavenly Creatures 3. Sense & Sensibility 4. Revolutionary Road 5. Steve Jobs Jack Lemmon in Days of Wine and Roses Claire Trevor in Key Largo In Good Company or Ghost World. Edit: Throw in Marriage Story, too. 1. The Ice Storm 2. Gorillas in the Mist 3. A Monster Calls 4. Prayers for Bobby 5. Working Girl Top five 1. The Believer 2. Half Nelson 3. Crazy, Stupid, Love 4. Blue Valentine 5. Blade Runner 2049 About 30 years ago, when I was at school, I saw Mark Rylance playing Hamlet while the production was touring the UK. He was brilliant - I still vividly remember him performing the 'To be or not to be' soliloquy in striped pyjamas. I was delighted with his Oscar win. His performance in Bridge of Spies was subtle, graceful and moving - one of the best recent winners in the Supporting Actor category. Taxi Driver Raging Bull The Last Temptation of Christ The King of Comedy Goodfellas The Age of Innocence The Departed Mean Streets The Wolf of Wall Street Hugo Silence Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore After Hours Kundun Gangs of New York The Color of Money Cape Fear The Aviator Shutter Island